(A)   Parks and Recreation Board created; duties. There is hereby created a Pleasanton Park and River Board, which shall be composed of seven members. These members shall be appointed by a majority vote of the City Council and shall serve a term to be determined by the City Council. The duties of the Board shall be to advise and recommend to the City Council as to the construction, operation and maintenance of all parks within the city and the development and operation of the Atascosa River throughout the Atascosa River Park.
   (B)   Terms of office. The terms of office for the Park and River Board shall commence on October 15 of each year and shall be for three years and the Chairperson and members thereof shall be appointed by the Mayor with the advice and consent of the City Council. Initially, the Chairperson and one members shall be appointed for a three-year term. Two members shall be appointed for a two-year term and two members for a one-year term. Members thereafter appointed to fill vacancies on the Board shall hold terms of office for three years, provided that where the appointment is to fill a vacancy of an existing member prior to expiration of his or her term, the appointment shall be for the remainder of the term of his or her predecessor.
   (C)   Board to select appointees and recommend to City Council. It shall be the duty of the Board to annually recommend to the City Council appointees to the Board, those appointees to be selected by the Board by a system of votes or ballot to be determined by the Pleasanton Park and River Board. The Board is authorized to establish its own rules of procedure to conduct its business and shall provide for regular and special meetings, necessary to carry on its business.
   (D)   Board may solicit gifts. The Park and River Board may solicit on behalf of the city any gifts or bequests of money or other personal property, or any donations to be applied, principal and income, for either temporary or permanent use for playgrounds or other recreational purposes with the prior consent and approval of the City Council.
   (E)   Board may make studies and reports. The Park and River Board may be called upon by the City Council to make park and recreation studies and reports and shall make reports requested by other agencies.
   (F)   Board to work with others to maintain recreation system. The Park and River Board is authorized to work jointly with other municipal departments and/or political subdivisions to provide and establish, operate, conduct and maintain a supervised recreation system and to acquire, operate, improve and maintain property, both real and personal, for parks, playgrounds, recreation centers and other recreation facilities and activities with prior approval of the City Council.
(1989 Code, Ch. 7, § 5) (Ord. 1086, passed 7-7-1994)
   Park regulations, see § 10.29