A.   The following acts are prohibited and the commission thereof is declared to be a class C misdemeanor and upon conviction, subject to penalty as provided in section 1-4-1 of this code: (1990 Code § 10.04.150; amd. 2003 Code)
      1.   To break, injure, interfere with or remove from any vehicle any lock or device thereon for holding or displaying any registration plate or registration card attached thereto for denoting registration and identity of such vehicle;
      2.   To remove from any registered vehicle the registration plate or registration card issued or attached to it in respect to its registration;
      3.   To place or display any such registration plate or card upon any other vehicle than that for which it was issued;
      4.   To use or permit the use or display of any registration plate, registration card or permit upon or in the operation of any vehicle other than that for which it was issued;
      5.   To forge, falsify, counterfeit or alter any plate, card, permit, assignment or other thing or document relating to the registration of or right, title or interest to or in any vehicle subject to registration;
      6.   To operate upon any street within the city any vehicle required by law to be registered without having the registration plate or plates securely attached thereto and registration card denoting registration thereof securely attached thereto;
      7.   To operate on any street within the city any vehicle required by law to be registered without having previously paid the registration fee or tax required by law in respect thereof; (1990 Code § 10.04.150)
      8.   For any person to combine, conspire or confederate with another or others to do, attempt to do, or cause or suffer to be done, any of the acts or things in this title prohibited as a class C misdemeanor. (1990 Code § 10.04.150; amd. 2003 Code)
   B.   The penalty for violation of this section shall be as provided for in section 1-4-1 of this code. (1990 Code § 10.04.150)