Permanently-sited manufactured housing is permitted in all residential districts provided it complies with the following:
(a) Must be attached to a permanent, frost-free foundation meaning permanent masonry, concrete, or a locally approved footing or foundation (slab, crawl space foundation or full foundation), and connected to appropriate utilities;
(b) Excluding any additions, have a width of at least 22 feet and a length of at least 22 feet as manufactured;
(c) Have conventional residential siding, (i.e. lap, clapboard, shake, masonry, vertical natural materials), a 6-inch minimum eave overhang, and a minimum "A" roof pitch of 3:12;
(d) Meets all applicable zoning requirements uniformly imposed on all single-family dwellings in the particular district including minimum square footage requirements (excepting contrary requirements for minimum roof pitch and requirements that do not comply with HUD code standards for manufactured housing);
(e) Is not located in a mobile home park as defined by O.R.C. 3733.01.
(Ord. 05-08. Passed 2-25-08.)