(a)   Application. An application for a minor site plan shall be filed by the applicant on a form provided by the Zoning Inspector. In order to defray the cost of examination of plans and inspection, the applicant shall pay a fee in accordance with the fee schedule in Chapter 1135.04.
   (b)   Submittal Requirements.
      (1)   A survey showing boundary information, existing and proposed development, existing and proposed easements, rights-of-way, location of existing water bodies, streams, drainage ditches, stands of trees and trees with a caliper of more than six inches in diameter, and the location of utilities, including storm water drainage.
      (2)   A sketch plan indicating buildings, service areas, parking, fencing, landscaping, and all required setbacks.
      (3)   All parking and loading areas shall be shown, including typical dimensions of parking stalls, aisles and loading spaces.
      (4)   All driveways and curb cuts shall be indicated, including major aisle ways and service routes. Pedestrian circulation shall also be indicated.
      (5)   Handling of all waste and refuse materials shall be indicated.
      (6)   Proposed landscaping shall be shown, as per the zoning code.
      (7)   Signage may be required to be shown, as per the zoning code.
      (8)   All exterior lighting shall be shown, including parking lot, pedestrian, and building accent lighting. Lighting intensity and installation height shall be indicated.
      (9)   Exterior building design and surface treatments shall be indicated, including building material and color. Color and material samples shall also be made available for inspection.
      (10)   Stormwater retention and detention areas.
   (c)   Procedure.
      (1)   Any applicant requesting approval of a minor site plan as defined herein shall submit to the Zoning Inspector four copies of the application, including the items specified in 1140.04(b) submittal requirements and the prescribed fee.
      (2)   Within thirty (30) calendar days of filing a complete application, the Zoning Inspector may approve the application for site plan review based upon adopted regulations and standards, design guidelines contained herein or determine that the application is a major site plan. If the application is determined to be a major site plan, the Zoning Inspector will schedule a review by Planning and Zoning Commission. In addition, the Zoning Inspector may schedule a review by Planning and Zoning Commission if unusual site circumstances exist as determined by the Zoning Inspector.
      (3)   A Zoning Permit shall be issued by the Zoning Inspector within fourteen calendar days following minor site plan approval.
      (4)   The Zoning Inspector shall prepare a report for the Planning and Zoning Commission listing all minor site plans approved. Such report shall be presented at the next regularly scheduled meeting of the Planning and Zoning Commission following approval of the minor site plan.
         (Ord. 05-08. Passed 2-25-08.)