(A)   In the event that the water level in the town’s 1,000,000-gallon storage facility is less than 13.5 feet and the town water system is producing less than 400 gallons per minute of treated water into the system, a Stage I water shortage “WARNING” shall be deemed to exist, and the following moderate mandatory water restrictions shall be in effect.
   (B)   During existence of said restrictions, it shall be unlawful to:
      (1)   Water lawns, shrubbery, flower, and vegetable gardens except during the hours between 5:00 p.m. and 7:00 p.m. on Wednesday;
      (2)   Introduce water into swimming pools except to the extent necessary to maintain operation;
      (3)   Operate water cooled air conditioners or other equipment that do not recycle cooling water except when the health and safety are adversely affected;
      (4)   Wash a motor vehicle, including commercial washing;
      (5)   Wash down outside areas such as sidewalks, patios, or driveways, or to use water for other similar purposes;
      (6)   Use or introduce water into any decorative fountain, pool, or pond;
      (7)   Serve water in any public restaurant except upon request; and
      (8)   Use water for any unnecessary purposes or to intentionally wastewater.
(2003 Code, § 25-501) Penalty, see § 50.99