Ordinances, or parts thereof, submitted to vote of the electors in accordance with the initiative and referendum provisions of this charter shall be submitted by ballot title which shall be prepared in all cases by the director of law. The ballot title may be distinct from the legal title of any such initiated or referred ordinance and shall be a clear, concise statement, without argument or prejudice, descriptive of the substance of such ordinance, or part thereof. The ballot used in voting upon any ordinance, or part thereof, shall have below the ballot title the following propositions, one above the other, in the order indicated: “For the ordinance” and “Against the ordinance”. Immediately at the left of each proposition there shall be a square in which by making a cross mark (X), or other methods established by law, the elector may vote for or against the ordinance or part thereof. Any number of ordinances, or parts thereof, may be voted on at the same election and may be submitted on the same ballot, but the ballot used for voting thereon shall be for that purpose only.
(Adopted by electorate, November 6, 1979 – Amending Ordinance No. 49-79)