A.   General. The submittal of an affordable housing plan and recordation of an approved city affordable control covenant shall be a precondition on the city approval of any Final Subdivision Map, and no building permit shall be issued for any development to which this chapter applies without full compliance with the requirement of this section. This section shall not apply to exempt projects.
   B.   Affordable Housing Plan. Every residential development to which this chapter applies shall include an affordable housing plan as part of the application submittal for either development plan approval or subdivision approval. No application for a tentative map, subdivision map, or building permit for a development to which this chapter applies may be deemed completed until an affordable housing plan is submitted to and approved by the Community Development Director as being complete. At any time during the formal development review process, the Community Development Director may require from the applicant additional information reasonably necessary to clarify and supplement the application or determine the consistency of the project's proposed affordable housing plan with the requirements of this chapter.
   C.   Required Plan Elements. An affordable housing plan must include the following elements or submittal requirements:
      1.   The number, location, structure (attached, semi-attached, or detached), and size (bedrooms, bathrooms, and square footage) of the proposed market-rate and affordable housing units and the basis for calculating the number of affordable housing units.
      2.   A floor or site plan depicting the location of the affordable housing units and the market-rate units.
      3.   The income levels to which each affordable housing unit will be made affordable.
      4.   The term of affordability for the affordable housing units.
      5.   The methods to be used to advertise the availability of the affordable housing units and the procedures for qualifying and selecting the eligible purchasers and/or tenants, including preference to be given, if any, to applicants who live or work in the city.
      6.   A schedule for completion and occupancy of the affordable housing units. For phased development, a phasing plan that provides for the timely development of the number of affordable housing units proportionate to each proposed phase of development.
      7.   A description of any incentives or modifications as listed in Section 17.32.040 (Incentives for On-Site Housing) including a description of exceptional circumstances that necessitate assistance from the city, as well as documentation of how such incentives increase the feasibility of providing affordable housing.
      8.   Any alternative means, as designated in Section 17.32.060.A, proposed for the development along with information necessary to support the findings required by Section 17.32.060.B for approval of such alternatives.
      9.   Any other information reasonably requested by the Community Development Director to assist with evaluation of the affordable housing plan under the requirements of this chapter.
   D.   Affordability Control Covenants. Prior to issuance of a grading permit or building permit, whichever is requested first, a standard City affordability control covenant must be approved and executed by the Community Development Director, executed by the applicant/owners, and recorded against the title of each affordable housing unit. If subdivision into individual property parcels has not been finalized at the time of issuance of a grading permit or building permit, an overall interim affordability control covenant shall be recorded against the residential development and shall be replaced by separate recorded affordability control covenants for each unit prior to issuance of a certificate of occupancy by the city for such units. The affordability control covenants must identify any incentives, modifications, or terms of any fee waiver, as permitted pursuant to Chapter 17.38 (Density Bonus), approved by the city. (Ord. 2010-02 § 1 (part), 2010)