Upon receipt of the final map and other data submitted therewith by the planning commission, the map and data shall be referred to the city engineer who shall examine such to determine that the subdivision as shown is substantially the same as it appeared on the tentative map, and any approved alterations thereof, that all provisions of the law and of this chapter applicable at the time of approval of the tentative map have been complied with, and that he or she is satisfied that the map is technically correct. If the city engineer shall determine that full conformity therewith has not been made, he or she shall advise the subdivider of the changes or additions that must be made for such purposes, and shall afford the subdivider an opportunity to make such changes or additions. if the city engineer shall determine that full conformity therewith has been made, he or she shall so certify on said map and shall transmit the map to the planning commission. In the event a sub-division is partly in the city and partly outside the city, the county surveyor and the city engineer shall enter into an agreement by and with the consent of their respective governing bodies, providing that the county surveyor when by such agreement all such duties devolve upon him or her, may, after his or her performance thereof, make the aforesaid certification upon the map, and, when by such agreement the duties are apportioned between the county surveyor and city engineer, it shall be sufficient, if each shall after the performance thereof, make a certification on the map, showing the duties performed by each, after which the map shall be transmitted to the planning commission. (Ord. 89 § 4.6(a), 1955).