The following definitions are adopted for the purpose of this chapter:
A. APPLICANT. Any person, partnership, corporation, or agency requesting permission to engage in any grading activity.
B. BENCH. A step constructed in the face of a cut or fill slope for maintenance, access, and drainage purposes.
C. BORROW. Earth material acquired from an offsite location for use in grading on a site.
D. DIVERSION. A temporary or permanent facility consisting of a channel, ditch, or ridge constructed across a sloping land surface to intercept and divert surface runoff in order to control its erosion potential.
E. ENGINEERING GEOLOGIST. A geologist certified in the state of California to practice engineering geology.
F. EROSION. Detachment and movement of soil or rock fragments by water, wind, ice and gravity.
G. EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL MANUAL. A book entitled, “Manual of Standards for Erosion and Sediment Control Measures,” published by ABAG, 1981.
H. EXCAVATION (CUT). Any act by which soil or rock is cut into, dug, quarried, uncovered, removed, displaced, or relocated.
I. FILL. A deposit of earth or other material placed by artificial means.
J. FINAL EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL PLAN. A plan that depicts the erosion control measures designed for a completed project.
K. GRADE. The vertical location of the ground surface. “Existing grade” is the grade prior to grading. “Rough grade” is the grade approximately conforming to the approved plan. “Finished grade” is the final grade of the site which conforms to the approved plan.
L. GRADING. Any excavation, stripping, cutting, filling, stockpiling, clearing, or any combination thereof which alters land or vegetation.
M. HILLSIDE SITE. A site having an average slope of fifteen percent or greater.
N. INTERIM EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL PLAN. A plan that depicts the erosion control measure designed for a project under construction.
O. KEY. A trench or step cut into natural ground to hold fill on an existing slope.
P. MULCHING. The application of plant residue or other suitable materials to the land surface to conserve moisture, hold soil in place, and aid in establishing plant cover.
Q. QUARRY. Any premises or site from which any rock, sand, gravel, stone, earth, soil, or mineral is removed or excavated for the purpose of disposition away from the immediate premises, whether such disposition is immediate or in the future; excepting excavation necessary for the construction of a building or structure on the site of the excavation for which valid permits have been issued, and excepting excavation which is all or part of a grading operation to change the contours of the land in conformance with a plan approved by the city for which a grading permit has been issued.
R. RAINY SEASON. The period of time between October 1st and the following April 15th.
S. RUNOFF. The surface flow of water, especially the flow following precipitation.
T. SEDIMENTATION. The process by which mineral or organic matter is removed from its site or origin, transported, and then deposited by water, wind, or gravity.
U. SEDIMENT BASIN. A reservoir which retards flows sufficiently to cause or allow deposition of transported sediment.
V. SITE. Any lot or parcel of land or contiguous combination thereof, under the same ownership, where grading is performed.
W. SITE MAP AND GRADING PLAN (GRADING PLAN). A plan as required by Section 15.36.170 of this chapter.
X. SOILS ENGINEER. A civil engineer registered in the state of California specializing and recognized in soils mechanics and foundation engineering.
Y. SOILS AND GEOLOGICAL RECONNAISSANCE REPORT (SOILS REPORT). a report as described in Section 15.36.180 of this chapter.
Z. STOCKPILE. A supply of earth, rock, gravel, sand, or other similar material temporarily accumulated and stored prior to final disposition.
AA. WATERCOURSE. A drainage channel carrying water year round. (Ord. 486 (part), 1986).