A.   The traffic engineer may issue a permit for short duration hauling, in writing, for the following:
      1.   Load or loads in excess of sizes and/or weights allowed for if, in his or her judgment the streets upon which such vehicle or vehicles is to be operated can safely withstand the loads, or if the applicant will guarantee to the city that all costs of repair to the streets or to public property of the city damaged by the movement of the load or loads will be paid in full;
      2.   Load or loads not in excess of the size and/or weights allowed for in the Vehicle Code desiring to use city streets other than the truck routes established for a specified period of time.
   B.   The permit fee shall be set forth by a resolution establishing fees for the particular prohibited street. In addition, the public works director may impose reasonable conditions on the permit necessary to protect the public health, welfare and safety and to insure that the damage to the city's streets is minimized. The city traffic engineer may also require the depositing of a bond in an amount established by the aforementioned fees and charges resolution.
   C.   If the use is to extend for a period of thirty days or more, the permit must be approved by the City Council . (Ord. 432 § 2(part), 1982).