   A.   The applicant shall conduct a PCBs in Priority Building Materials Screening Assessment and submit the associated information and results as part of the building demolition permit application, including the following (see applicant package for more details):
      1.   Owner and project information, including location, year building was built, description of building construction type, and anticipated demolition date.
      2.   Determination of whether the building proposed for demolition is high priority for PCBs-containing building materials based on the structure age, use, and construction.
      3.   If high priority for PCBs-containing building materials based on the structure age, use, and construction, the concentration of PCBs in each priority building materials is present. If PCBs concentrations are determined via representative sampling and analysis, include a contractor's report documenting the assessment which includes the completed QA/QC checklist from the Protocol for Assessing Priority PCBs-Containing Materials before Building Demolition and the analytical laboratory results.
      4.   For each priority building material present with a PCBs concentration equal to or greater than 50 ppm, the approximate amount (linear feet or square feet) of that material in the building (see applicant package for more details).
      5.   Applicant's certification of the accuracy of the information submitted.
   B.   The Building Division may specify the format or provide guidance for the submission of the information. (Ord. 2019-04 § 1 (part), 2019)