When the PCBs in Priority Building Materials Screening Assessment identifies one or more priority building materials with PCBs, the applicant must comply with all related applicable Federal and California laws, including potential notification of the appropriate regulatory agencies, including EPA, the Regional Water Board, and/or the DTSC. Agency contacts are provided in the applicant package. Additional sampling for and abatement of PCBs may be required. Depending on the approach for sampling and removing building materials containing PCBs, the applicant may need to notify or seek advance approval from USEPA before building demolition. Even in circumstances where advance notification to, or approval from, USEPA is not required before the demolition activity, the disposal of PCBs waste is regulated under Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA). Additionally, the disposal of PCBs waste is subject to California Code of Regulations (CCR) Title 22 Section 66262. Additional information is provided in the applicant package. (Ord. 2019-04 § 1 (part), 2019)