A. Every applicant for a building demolition permit shall conduct a PCBs in Priority Building Materials Screening Assessment, a two-step process used to:
1. Determine whether the building proposed for demolition is high priority for PCBs-containing building materials based on the structure age, use, and construction (i.e., whether the building is an applicable structure); and if so
2. Demonstrate the presence or absence and concentration of PCBs in priority building materials through existing information or representative sampling and chemical analysis of the priority building materials in the building.
B. Applicants shall follow the directions provided in the PCBs in Priority Building Materials Screening Assessment Applicant Package (Applicant Package), which includes an overview of the process, applicant instructions, a process flow chart, a screening assessment form, and the Protocol for Assessing Priority PCBs-Containing Materials before Building Demolition. Per the applicant package, for certain types of buildings built within a specified date range, the applicant must conduct further assessment to determine whether or not PCBs are present at concentrations of 50 ppm. This determination is made via existing data on specific product formulations (if available), or more likely, via conducting representative sampling of the priority building materials and analyzing the samples for PCBs at a certified analytical laboratory. Any representative sampling and analysis must be conducted in accordance with the Protocol for Assessing Priority PCBs-Containing Materials before Building Demolition. The applicant package provides additional details. (Ord. 2019-04 § 1 (part), 2019)