As used in this chapter, regardless of case, the following words, phrases and terms shall have the following definitions.
   A.   BALCONY. A horizontal platform extending from the exterior wall of a building, accessible from the building's interior, and not directly accessible from the ground. A balcony is typically not covered by a roof or building overhang or enclosed on more than two (2) sides by walls. However, railings shall not be considered enclosures. The definition of balcony does not include "decks" and shall be consistent with the definition of balcony in the California Building Code.
   B.   CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE. A written certificate issued to a property owner by the Development Services Director or his/her designee certifying that an inspection of the property owner's balcony occurred and the balcony was deemed structurally sound and complies with all standards established by the city.
   C.   PROPERTY OWNER. Any individual or entity owning property within the boundaries of the City of Pinole.
(Ord. 2017-06 § 2 (part), 2017)