A.   It shall be the duty of every owner of every premises to maintain receptacles (in the case of owners of single or multiple residential dwelling premises, excepting owners whose multiple residential dwelling premises are served by disposal boxes and not individual receptacles for each residential unit, such receptacles shall be provided by the collector) for receiving and holding all the solid waste produced, created or accumulated upon said premises between the times for the collection of the solid waste, and to deposit all such solid waste therein. All such receptacles shall be kept in sanitary condition at all times and shall not be placed within the limits of any street or any public place in the city, except that the owner of any residential premises shall place or cause to be placed such receptacles at the curb in a location reasonably convenient for semi-automated or automated collection on the regularly scheduled collection days established by the city or the collector for the collection of solid waste in the area.
   B.   Every owner of a single or multiple-family residential dwelling premises shall maintain and keep receptacles of an adequate size and in sufficient numbers to contain, without overflowing, all the refuse generated by the dwelling residents within the designated removal period. The owner (directly or by means of the collector, as the case may be) shall provide a minimum of one receptacle per family residential dwelling unit or the equivalent thereof as agreed between the owner and the collector pursuant to Section 8.08.170. (Ord. 98-101 § 1(part), 1998: Ord. 490 § 2 (part), 1986).