A.   All food handling establishments must comply with all applicable statutes, ordinances and rules and regulations of Federal, state and local agencies.
   B.   Exemption from permit or fee under this chapter does not constitute exemption from sanitary requirements set forth in this chapter.
   C.   When food service openings to the outside are used in restaurants they shall have an area not exceeding two hundred seventy square inches with a maximum width of eighteen inches and maximum height of fifteen inches. Triangular wide base openings with height not exceeding twenty-four inches are allowed. Additional service openings must be separated by a minimum of three feet. Such openings shall be closeable, at least with a wire screen of not coarser than sixteen mesh, when not in use. Each opening shall be further protected by overhead fans, or internal positive pressure which would produce an outward air flow of at least seventy-five linear feet per minute as measured by a standard velometer or have a system of duct work such that the discharge of air produces this outward flow of air through the opening.
   D.   Every establishment where fresh meat is cut shall be provided with a two-compartment, metal sink, with metal drain boards located conveniently to the meat department, with an adequate supply of hot and cold water under pressure. Such sink is to be used exclusively for washing utensils commonly used by meat cutters. This section does not apply to those establishments in existence before the effective date of the ordinance codified in this chapter having a single compartment sink which effectively meets the requirements of this chapter and any other applicable statutes, ordinances and rules and regulations governing the sanitation of utensils. When such sink is replaced, it must meet the requirements of this chapter.
   E.   All establishments and vehicles must maintain refrigeration at fifty degrees Fahrenheit or below for storage and transportation of food products which the health officer determines to be readily perishable. Such determinations shall be made only after duly noticed public hearings by the health officer, and shall be promulgated by him or her and filed with the City Clerk. “Readily perishable” includes but is not limited to canned goods and bakery products requiring refrigeration. Waste water from refrigeration equipment in fixed establishments shall be disposed of into an approved sanitary sewage disposal system by means of an indirect connection. With the exception of properly handled game, only food intended to be sold or served to the public is to be kept in such refrigerated storage cabinets.
   F.   If at any time a person working in any food-handling establishment is found by the health officer to be handling food in a manner dangerous to public health, the health officer shall have authority to require such person to attend a course of instruction which shall be provided free by the health officer, or to discontinue food handling, or both. (Ord. 114 § 5, 1958).