A.   Review by Community Development Director. The Community Development Director shall grant the permit if he or she makes either of the following findings:
      1.   The condition of the protected tree(s) with respect to disease, species, form, general health, damage, public nuisance, danger of falling, proximity to existing structures, interference with utility services, or damage to existing sidewalks and driveways warrants it's (their) removal and such condition cannot reasonably be remedied through less drastic means.
      2.   The protected tree(s) acts as a host for a parasitic plant or insect which may endanger other protected tree(s) in the area and cannot reasonably be controlled through less drastic means.
   B.   Conditions of Approval. Whenever any protected tree removal permit is granted, the Community Development Director shall impose such conditions as may be necessary to safeguard the public safety and the intent of this chapter. A protected tree removal permit shall become null and void if the privileges granted thereunder have not been utilized within one (1) year from the effective date thereof. The conditions will be in addition to those set forth in Section 17.96.060C.
   C.   Notice of the Decision. The decision of the Community Development Director shall be mailed to the applicant within ten (10) working days.
   D.   Notification to Planning Commission. After approving an application for protected tree removal permit, the Community Development Director shall advise the Planning Commission of his or her decision at their next regular meeting.
   E.   Appeals. Any person may appeal the actions of the Community Development Director to the Planning Commission by filing an appeal with the City Clerk pursuant to the procedures set forth for a public hearing as provided in Section 17.10.070. (Ord. 2010-02 § 1 (part), 2010)