An application for the approval of a wireless telecommunication facility shall include the following information, in addition to all other information required by the city for a conditional use permit application as established in Section 17.12.140 (Conditional Use Permit):
   A.   Site plan containing all information required by the city.
   B.   All exterior elevations, scaled as appropriate for presentation.
   C.   Samples of materials used for the wireless telecommunication facilities as required by the city, including but not limited to, roofing, siding, trim, windows, doors, and fences, as follows:
      1.   At least one (1) elevation should be in color.
      2.   Color samples and materials mounted on a board or rigid surface should be submitted.
   D.   Plans showing the screening of all mechanical equipment, including but not limited to, gas meters, electric meters, and electric transformers.
   E.   Landscaping plans as required by Chapter 17.44 (Landscaping), including proposals to establish and maintain maximum visual screening of unsightly public views of the wireless telecommunication facilities.
   F.   A master plan for all related facilities, either existing or proposed, within the city limits of Pinole and within one-quarter (1/4) mile of the proposed wireless telecommunication facility.
   G.   Visual simulations showing what the proposed facility would look like from the surrounding area as viewed from residential properties and public rights-of-way at varying distances to assist the approving authority and the public in assessing the visual impacts of the proposed facility and its compliance with the requirements of this chapter.
   H.   For areas where antennas will be located on or mounted to a building, a mock-up of the proposed antenna must be installed at least ten (10) days before the hearing at which the application will be reviewed.
   I.   A preliminary report quantifying the project's radio frequency emissions and potential human exposure, the cumulative emissions of other facilities located on the same site and comparisons to current standards recommended by the Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers. Analysis must be based on the current FCC rules, regulations, and standards.
   J.   Alternative site analysis prepared by or on behalf of the applicant, subject to the approval of the approval of the Planning Commission which identifies all reasonable, technically feasible, alternative locations and/or facilities which could provide the proposed wireless telecommunication facility service. The intention of the alternative analysis is to present alternative strategies which could minimize the number, size, and adverse environmental impacts of the facilities necessary to provide the needed service to the city. The analysis shall address the potential for co-location and the potential to locate a facility as close the intended service area. It shall also explain the rationale for the selection of the proposed site in view of the relative merits of any feasible alternative. The city may require independent verification of this analysis at the applicant's expense.
   K.   A United States Geological Survey (USGS) topographic map or survey with existing topographic contours showing the proposed wireless telecommunication facilities, accessory structures, new roads, and the surrounding area extending at least 150 feet beyond any proposed towers and at least fifty (50) feet beyond other proposed wireless telecommunication facilities.
   L.   The number, type, and dimensions of antennas and equipment cabinets and structures proposed for use by the applicant and a map identifying all existing wireless telecommunication facilities within a three thousand (3,000)-foot radius of the proposed wireless telecommunication facility.
   M.   A map showing how the proposed wireless telecommunication facilities fit within the network of the applicant's existing and proposed antenna sites within three thousand (3,000) feet of the project vicinity.
   N.   A statement including the following:
      1.   The intent to design the facility to allow for co-location;
      2.   The power rating for all wireless telecommunication facilities and all backup equipment proposed with the first application;
      3.   A description of the system, including the number of antennas, and associated related equipment that conform to the radio-frequency exposure standards adopted by the FCC and VAII that will operate within the frequency assigned by the FCC;
      4.   Assurance that the operation of the facility, in addition to ambient radio-frequency exposure levels, will not exceed adopted FCC standards with regard to human exposure in “uncontrolled areas” (i.e., areas subject to general public exposure, as defined by the National Council on Radiation Exposure Prevention) or the then applicable FCC standards;
      5.   A statement that demonstrates why a wireless telecommunication facility type with a lesser adverse visual impact is not feasible.
   O.   Evidence in the form of a license or construction permit from the FCC and/or Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) that the FCC and/or FAA has accepted the applicant's certification that the facility meets the FCC and/or FAA standard or provide evidence that the FCC and/or FAA has categorically exempted the applicant from demonstrating compliance with the FCC and/or FAA standard. If a license or construction permit has not yet been obtained by the applicant, the furnishing of such FCC and/or FAA license or construction permit shall become a condition of approval for the conditional use permit.
   P.   A technical review by a licensed electrical engineer with experience in telecommunications, or qualified expert as approved by the Community Development Director, to determine if the proposed installation will create any electromagnetic interference with other facilities or uses in the area will be required. The Community Development Department may retain the services of a private-sector consultant for peer review and to provide professional recommendations to the Community Development Department. The applicant may be asked to describe the electromagnetic frequency needs of the wireless provider and to identify alternative sites which meet the applicant's telecommunications needs and can be readily or reasonably leased. The wireless provider will present its data and offer any additional information to Community Development Department staff regarding its electromagnetic frequency needs. The city shall take reasonable steps within the requirements of state law to assure strict confidentiality of any alternative site leasing information submitted by an applicant. When deemed necessary by Community Development Department staff, the wireless provider will also host information sessions for City staff and the City Council and Planning Commission. The cost of such reviews shall be paid by the applicant and deposited with the city as part of the application fee.
   Q.   When two (2) or more wireless telecommunication facilities operate in the same location, the carriers operating those facilities shall provide documentation of testing done by an electromagnetic field (EMF) expert to verify that the cumulative ELF levels conform to standards adopted by the FCC.
   R.   A list of the names, addresses, and types of users who will occupy the site.
   S.   In conjunction with application submittal once an application is schedule for a public hearing, applicants shall be required to construct a full-scale mock-up of a proposed facility, using materials and colors that resemble the actual facility for proposed ground-mounted facilities and roof-mounted facilities. The mock-up shall be installed ten (10) days prior to the scheduled public hearing date and left in place for a period of ten (10) days after the date of any final action taken on the project application. The notice of public hearing shall contain information about the location and placement of the mock-up structure. Additionally, all mock-up structures shall be removed by the applicant within one (1) month from the date of final action taken on the project application.
   T.   All applications and subsequent reviews shall include a list and photo documentation of transmission, reception, and other equipment initially proposed, justifying the need for the range of equipment. (Ord. 2010-02 § 1 (part), 2010)