No conditional use permit for firearm sales may be issued for any location which is:
   A.   Within a zoning district in which residential use is the principal permitted or maintained use. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in this code, home occupation permits for the conduct of any business under this chapter shall be prohibited. The location of such businesses in and around homes is hereby declared a public nuisance. This section is expressly made retroactive to all such businesses operating in such residential zones.
   B.   Within any zoning district other than Regional Commercial (RC), Commercial Mixed Use (CMU), or Office Industrial Mixed Use (OIMU).
   C.   Within 500 feet of the exterior limits of any premises occupied by a public or private day care center or day care home, elementary school, junior high school or high school, whether public or private.
   D.   Within 500 feet of the limits of a public park.
   E.   All distances referred to in this section shall be measured between the closest points on the exterior property lines or area boundaries of the parcels or areas involved, except that when a permittee occupies one unit of a multi-unit structure located on a single parcel, distances shall be measured from the exterior boundaries of the unit so occupied.
   F.   Businesses governed by the provisions of paragraphs C and D of this section, which are in full compliance with all local, state and federal laws prior to the effective date of this chapter, including but not limited to zoning and business license laws, shall not be required to obtain a use permit unless such businesses lose their non-conforming use status as provided in Chapter 17.14. Such businesses shall, however, be required to comply with all other provisions of this chapter. (Ord. 2012-05 § 4 (part), 2012)