The following types of lighting are prohibited.
   A.   Neon tubing or band lighting along buildings and/or structures as articulation, except as approved through administrative design review (Section 17.12.080) or comprehensive design review (Section 17.12.150).
   B.   Search lights, laser source lights, or any similar high-intensity light, except for emergency use by police or fire personnel or at their discretion, or for approved temporary lighting for a special event approved by the city.
   C.   Lighting fixtures operated in such a manner as to constitute a hazard or danger to persons or to safe vehicular travel.
   D.   Illumination of entire buildings.
   E.   Roof-mounted lighting except for security purposes.
   F.   Moving, flashing, or animated lighting. (Ord. 2010-02 § 1 (part), 2010)