   (A)   The Chief shall formulate a set of rules and regulations to govern the Fire Department, and shall be responsible to the Mayor for the personnel, morale, and general efficiency of the Department.
   (B)   The Chief shall determine the number and kind of companies of which the Department is to be composed and shall determine the response of such companies to alarms.
   (C)   The Chief shall, at least once a month, conduct suitable drills or instruction in the operation and handling of equipment, first aid and rescue work, salvage, a study of buildings in the town, fire prevention, water supplies, and all other matters generally considered essential to good firefighter practice and safety of life and property from fire.
   (D)   The Chief is hereby required to assist the proper authorities in suppressing the crime of arson by investigating or causing to be investigated the cause, origin, and circumstances of all fires.
   (E)   The Chief is hereby empowered to enter any and all buildings and premises at any reasonable hour for the purpose of making inspections and to serve written notice upon the owner or occupant, or both if known to the Chief, to abate within a specified time any and all fire hazards that may be found.
   (F)   Any person so served with a notice to abate any fire hazard or hazards shall comply therewith promptly and, on compliance, notify the Chief.
   (G)   The Chief shall see that complete records are kept of all fires, inspections, apparatus, and minor equipment, personnel, and other information about the work of the Department.
   (H)   The Chief shall report monthly to the Mayor the conditions of the apparatus and equipment; the number of fires during the month, their location and cause, and date of same and loss occasioned thereby; the number and purpose of all other runs made; and the number of members responding to each fire or other run, and any changes in membership.
   (I)   The Chief shall make a complete annual report to the Board of Commissioners within one month after the close of the fiscal year, such report to include the information specified in division (G) above, together with comparative data for previous years and recommendations for improving the effectiveness of the Department.
(Prior Code, § 31.16) (Ord. passed 12-16-1952)
   (A)   The Membership of the Fire Department shall consist of such persons as may be required and appointed by the Chief and shall be able-bodied persons residing within close proximity to the center of the town, preferably property owners whose business activities are normally within the confines of the town, and who have telephones in their homes. Determination of whether candidates are able-bodied or not shall be made by the Chief.
   (B)   No person who has been convicted of a felony shall be eligible for membership on either the volunteer Fire Department or the Rescue Squad.
(Prior Code, § 31.17) (Ord. passed 12-16-1952; Ord. passed 9-8-1981)
§ 31.18 EQUIPMENT.
   (A)   The Department shall be equipped with such apparatus and other equipment as may be required from time to time to maintain its efficiency and properly protect life and property from fire.
   (B)   Recommendations of apparatus and equipment needed shall be made to the Mayor and Board of Commissioners by the Chief and, on approval by the Mayor and Board of Commissioners, shall be purchased by the Chief.
   (C)   All equipment and apparatus of the Department shall be safely and conveniently housed in such places as may be designated by the Board of Commissioners.
   (D)   Suitable arrangement or equipment shall be provided for citizens to turn in an alarm and for notifying all members of the Department so that they may promptly respond.
   (E)   No person shall use any fire apparatus or equipment for any private purpose, nor shall any person willfully and without proper authority take away or conceal any article used in any way by the Department.
   (F)   No person shall enter any place where fire apparatus equipment is housed or handle any apparatus belonging to the Department unless accompanied by an officer or authorized member of the Department.
   (G)   The individual members and officers of the Department shall not be liable for any damage resulting from use and operation of apparatus and equipment.
(Prior Code, § 31.18) (Ord. passed 12-16-1952)
   (A)   Each member of the Fire Department shall be issued a badge designating the member’s rank. On severance from the Department, such badge shall be returned to the Chief.
   (B)   Each member of the Department shall be issued a suitable insignia to be attached to any automobile the member uses in responding to fire calls. On severance from the Department, such insignia shall be returned to the Chief.
(Prior Code, § 31.19) (Ord. passed 12-16-1952)
   All motor equipment and all personal cars of Fire Department members shall have right-of-way over all other traffic when responding to an alarm. The Chief and Assistant Chief or Assistant Chiefs are hereby authorized to attach to their personal automobiles used by them personally sirens and red lights to be used only when on official business. Other members of the Department are hereby authorized to attach to automobiles used by them in responding to fire calls red signal lights.
(Prior Code, § 31.20) (Ord. passed 12-16-1952)
   No person shall drive any vehicle over fire hose, except upon specific orders from the Chief or other officer or member of the Fire Department in charge where the hose is issued.
(Prior Code, § 31.21) (Ord. passed 12-16-1952) Penalty, see § 31.99
   No person shall park any vehicle or otherwise cause any obstruction to be placed within ten feet surrounding the entrance to any fire station or other place where fire apparatus and equipment is stored or housed, or within ten feet of any fire hydrant or cistern.
(Prior Code, § 31.22) (Ord. passed 12-16-1952) Penalty, see § 31.99
   No person shall in anywise hinder or delay members of the Fire Department in responding to a fire call or hinder the Department or any of its members while discharging their duties as firefighters.
(Prior Code, § 31.23) (Ord. passed 12-16-1952) Penalty, see § 31.99
   All regularly appointed members of the Fire Department are hereby given the necessary special police powers for the purpose of enforcing the provisions of this subchapter and it is hereby made the special duty of the Chief of Police within the jurisdiction of the town and/or other peace officers who may be on duty and available for fire duty, to respond to all fire alarms and assist the Department in the protection of life and property, in regulating traffic, maintaining order, and enforcing observance of all sections of this subchapter.
(Prior Code, § 31.24) (Ord. passed 12-16-1952)