9.14.6   Single Family Development Landscaping and Buffer Yard Standards
   The following landscaping and buffer yard standards apply to new single development and redevelopment.
   (A)   Buffer Yards Established.
      (1)   Planted buffer yards must be established per the requirements of Table 9.14.6 that specifies the minimum number of trees required for each buffer yard within an individual lot or parcel. Buffer yard landscaping may be provided through planting new trees or by using existing qualifying vegetation on site as tree planting credits per or any combination of thereof.
Table 9.14.6 Buffer Yard Standards
Setback Location
Setback Location
Front Buffer Yard
1 qualifying tree per 25 linear feet of street frontage
Side Street Buffer Yard
1 qualifying tree per 25 linear feet of street frontage
Side Buffer Yard
1 qualifying tree per 35 linear feet
Rear Buffer Yard
1 qualifying tree per 25 linear feet
Tree Type
Minimum Planting Height
Minimum Caliper
Evergreen Trees
6 feet
2 inches
Tall Trees from Appendix F
8 feet
2 inches
Short Trees from Appendix F
6 feet
1.25 inches
      (2)   Tree Preservation Credits: shall be in accordance with
      (3)   Driveway Credit: shall be in accordance with Section
   (B)   Tree Placement and Planting.
      (1)   Planted trees may be grouped and staggered in alignment throughout the length of the required buffer yards if there shall be no distance less than one tree per every fifty (50) linear feet within the associated buffer yard. At least one-half of the planted trees in front and side street yards shall be Longleaf Pines. The remaining trees shall be selected from Appendix F of the Pinehurst Development Ordinance.
      (2)   The Village Planner may authorize minor modifications subject to the following:
         (a)   To allow the preservation of trees within the building envelope if they are within a distance no greater than the required buffer yard depth when insufficient trees are available for preservation.
         (b)   Small trees as identified in Appendix F may be used to avoid conflicts with overhead infrastructure.
         (c)   To allow alternate species where site and/or soil conditions are not suitable for certain plant/tree species.
         (d)   To allow for alternative placement due to presence of public utility easements.
   (C)   As part of the required single-family site plan review process, the approximate location, size and type of trees to be used to meet this standard shall be shown on a landscape plan.
   (D)   All trees used to meet the intent of this section shall be healthy and well protected during construction. See Appendix F for a listing of trees which are known to be adaptive and naturalized in the Sandhills of North Carolina. Any of these trees can be used in meeting the tree conservation standards of this section.
   (E)   HVAC units, pool equipment, well houses, and other structures on the property shall be screened with landscaping material or fencing so as to be seventy-five percent (75%) opaque.
   (F)   Foundation Plantings Required: Foundation plantings shall be provided for all principal and accessory buildings and structures, including storage sheds. The number of plants or plant groupings shall be provided based on the linear footage of foundation along all sides of each structure minus doorways, and steps at a rate of one (1) shrub or plant grouping per six (6) linear foot of foundation. A minimum of fifty percent (50%) of the required plantings shall be five (5) gallon or larger at the time of planting, the remainder shall be a minimum of three (3) gallon in size. Said plantings are not required to be placed in a uniform, linear arrangement when installed and plant groupings or ground cover beds may be used to meet the intent of this section.
   (G)   The site shall be designed to minimize the removal of mature specimen trees, for example, Longleaf Pine, Dogwood, American Holly and Southern Magnolia.
   (H)   Maintenance/Alteration of Landscape Plans. Changes or alterations to a previously approved landscape plan require approval of a development permit showing compliance with the landscaping and buffer yard standards of this Section.
   (I)   Landscaping Standards for Developed Lots. The following standards apply to existing single family developed lots not being redeveloped.
Table 9.14.6 C Landscaping Standards for Developed Lots
Zoning District
Number of Trees Per Dwelling
Size of Tree
R-5, R-8, R-10
2 inches DBH
R-15, R-20, R-30
2 inches DBH
2 inches DBH
(Ord. 21-06, passed - -)