A. Development Services Department.
1. Development Standards (Main and Accessory Structures):
a. No conditional use permit (CUP) shall be required.
b. Minimum site area: Five acres.
c. Minimum REID site boundary setback: Three hundred feet from residential structures existing at the time of REID site establishment. Three hundred feet from the boundaries of lands owned and managed for conservation purposes existing at the time of REID site establishment.
d. Minimum setback requirements within REID site:
i. Front: None.
ii. Side: None.
iii. Rear: None.
e. Height limitations: None.
f. Minimum distance between structures: None.
g. Barbed wire may be used on fences or walls for security purposes provided the barbed wire is greater than six feet above ground level. The barbed wire shall not count towards the maximum fence or wall height.
h. Requests for facilities on REID sites located within the Approach-Departure Corridors 1, 2, and 3 of the Airport Environs Zone shall be distributed for review by Davis-Monthan staff.
2. Chapter 18.61, Hillside Development Overlay Zone: The chapter shall be waived in part as follows:
a. The chapter shall not apply to slopes created by prior uses such as mining and sand and gravel operations; and
b. The average cross-slope shall be calculated based on the entire property.
3. Chapter 18.71, Development Plan Standards: A REID site plan drawn to scale, presented at an optional pre-application meeting with staff, and showing the following requirements shall be in lieu of a standard development plan:
a. General location of any buildings and structures;
b. General location of solar structures;
c. Access point(s);
d. Setbacks if abutting residential development;
e. Required bufferyards (on boundaries abutting residential development); and,
f. Location of parking.
4. Chapter 18.72, Native Plant Preservation (NPPO), shall be waived in part as follows:
a. An inventory and mitigation plan for any saguaros, ironwoods and safeguarded species as listed in Table 18.72.040-1 of the zoning code on the site shall be conducted by a qualified practitioner as defined in Section 18.72.070 and provided upon submittal of the REID site plan;
b. Where saguaros, ironwoods, and safeguarded species cannot be preserved in place, they shall be transplanted on site or replaced at a 1:1 mitigation ratio when transplantation is not feasible. Pima pineapple cactus shall be transplanted and supplemented with one additional Pima pineapple cactus. Pima pineapple cactus will be replaced at a 2:1 mitigation ratio when transplantation is not feasible. Replacement specimens for saguaros shall be a minimum of four feet in height. The size of replacement specimens for ironwood and safeguarded species will conform to Table 18.72.090-1.
c. The proposed location of transplanted plants shall be shown on the REID site plan, or if necessary for clarity on a separate plan, but a separate plan is not otherwise required;
d. Replacement specimens and transplanted plants may be located in any required bufferyard; and
e. Off-site mitigation is an option subject to approval by the planning director or their designee.
5. Chapter 18.73, Landscaping, Buffering, and Screening Standards: Bufferyards shall be waived in part as follows:
a. Fifty percent of the width and plant density requirements of the standard required bufferyard shall be provided; or
b. The developer may provide written approval by the abutting property owner(s) to the chief zoning inspector or their designee to waive the above bufferyard requirement in whole or part; and
c. Greater design flexibility shall be allowed for required walls when there is an applicable issue by the regional flood control district.
6. Chapter 18.75, Off-street Parking and Loading Standards, shall be waived in part as follows:
a. Enough parking spaces for employees and visitors shall be provided on-site;
b. A paved entrance drive shall be provided in accordance with the subdivision development standards manual; and
c. Parking area shall provide unrestricted access by emergency services vehicles.
7. Chapter 18.77, Roadway Frontage Standards: Sections 18.77.040(A) through 18.77.040(E)(4) (Portion of Scenic Routes) shall be waived. Section 18.77.040(E)(5) shall apply except the total number of cables on an existing overhead system may be increased to serve a REID solar facility.
8. Chapter 18.78, Gateway Overlay Zone: The chapter shall be waived.
9. Chapter 18.81, Grading Standards, shall be waived in part as follows: A Type 1 grading permit instead of a Type 2 grading permit shall be required with the exception that Section 18.81.060(B)(10) and its associated requirements shall apply.
10. Fees: The development plan base fee and applicable building permit fees in accordance with the adopted fee schedule shall apply. No additional fees for landscaping, NPPO, or grading review shall apply.
B. Cultural Resources.
1. Expedited review process through all stages of cultural resources compliance process. Tier 2 sites shall comply with county cultural resources requirements (per Section 14.03.020(A)(9)).
a. If a Tier 2 site has not been inventoried for cultural resources, or was inventoried more than ten years ago, then a cultural resources field survey must be done to identify, inventory, and evaluate the significance of any cultural or historic resources within the site. All work shall be conducted by a cultural resources professional permitted by the Arizona State Museum and provided upon submittal of the REID site plan.
b. If the Tier 2 site inventory finds significant cultural or historic resources, then the applicant shall develop and implement an appropriate mitigation treatment plan. The mitigation treatment can range from documented avoidance of the resources to mitigation of impacts on the resources by archaeological data recovery (excavation) if avoidance is not possible. All work shall be conducted by a cultural resources professional permitted by the Arizona State Museum and provided upon submittal of the REID site plan.
2. Coordinate review with utilities, rights-of-way, and other infrastructure components.
C. Department of Environmental Quality.
1. Expedited processing and waiver of the sixty-day notice requirements of any applicable Class I, II and III permit applications.
2. Waiver of the fifteen thousand dollars (as may be amended by the board of supervisors) accelerated processing fee for Class I, II, and III permit applications.
3. Waiver of any applicable fugitive dust activity permit fees.
D. Regional Flood Control District.
1. Expedited site plan review subject to avoiding disturbance of natural drainage and avoiding or minimizing disturbance of regulated riparian habitat.
2. Expedited construction proposal review for REID projects that:
a. Elevate all equipment to regulatory flood elevation;
b. Provide erosion and scour protection for all equipment;
c. Maintain all roadways on site at grade; and
d. Elevate all security barriers or fencing to the base flood elevation, or provide sufficient setbacks from property lines to prevent adverse impact to neighboring property.
3. In lieu of Section 14.03.020(D)(2) above, an applicant shall submit an analysis prepared by an Arizona registered civil engineer, which proposes an alternative design.
4. No fees shall apply.
E. Department of Transportation. No roadway development impact fees shall apply.
(Ord. 2012-16 § 1 (part), 2012)