18.101.030   Planning and zoning commission.
   A.   Scope: The planning and zoning commission primarily advises the board of supervisors on planning and zoning policies, plans, amendments and regulations, as authorized by A.R.S. Title 11, Chapter 6.
   B.   Powers and duties: The commission performs the following duties:
      1.   Comprehensive plan:
         a.   The commission initiates and recommends to the supervisors a comprehensive plan, which establishes the goals of Pima County regarding future development of the county, in accordance with Chapter 18.89 (Comprehensive Plan),
         b.   The commission reviews and provides recommendations to the board on all amendments to the comprehensive plan, including concurrent plan amendments/rezonings, permitted by Section 18.89.041;
      2.   Zoning code amendments: The commission initiates and provides recommendations to the supervisors on amendments to this code, in accordance with Section 18.01.070 (Code Amendment Procedures);
      3.   Specific plans: The commission provides recommendations to the supervisors on a proposed specific plan;
      4.   Rezoning: The commission provides recommendations to the supervisors on a proposed rezoning, with the exception of rezonings that conform to a zoning plan, in accordance with Chapter 18.91 (Rezoning Procedures);
      5.   Historic zones:
         a.   The commission initiates the designation of property as a historic district zone or a historic landmark zone (refer to Section 18.63.050),
         b.   The commission provides recommendations to the supervisors on a proposed historic district zone or a historic landmark zone, the associated preservation and development criteria, and historic district advisory board, as applicable,
         c.   The commission determines if the preservation of a historic structure proposed for demolition is physically or economically unfeasible, in accordance with Section 18.63.090;
      6.   Subdivision and development plan regulations:
         a.   The commission hears appeals from the subdivision and development review committee, in accordance with Chapter 18.69 (Subdivision Standards),
         b.   The commission reviews development plans for RVC zoning in accordance with Section 18.71.060 (Requirements and procedures for RVC zoning);
      7.   Other matters: The commission may initiate or conduct special studies relating to planning and zoning matters, and may consider requests for the same from the board of supervisors.
   C.   Composition: The commission comprises ten members, as follows:
      1.   Appointment: Two members shall be appointed from each of the five supervisorial districts of the county by the supervisor representing the district, and the members shall be residents of the district from which they are appointed;
      2.   Terms: Appointments are for staggered terms of four years each, with no limit on the number of terms;
      3.   Vacancies: Vacancies shall be filled within a reasonable time period by the supervisor of the district in which the vacancy has occurred, for the unexpired term of that position;
      4.   Removal: The supervisor of a district has the authority to remove a commissioner from that district for neglect of duty, inefficiency, or misconduct in office.
   D.   Transaction of Business:
      1.   The commission shall conduct its business in accordance with the Arizona Revised Statutes, applicable Pima County regulations, and its own adopted rules and regulations;
      2.   The director of the planning and development services department shall be the executive secretary of the commission.
   E.   Effect of decisions: All commission recommendations, final actions and findings of decisions will be transmitted to the supervisors, regardless of vote.
(Ord. 2018-9 § 3, 2018; Ord. 2010-27 § 1 (part), 2010; Ord. 2007-65 § 1, 2007; Ord. 1992-96 § 1 (part), 1992; Ord. 1987-64 § 1 (part), 1987; Ord. 1985-188 § 1 (part), 1985)