A. The anticipated volume of sewage from sources of domestic liquid waste shall be calculated in accordance with Bulletin 12.
B. For a lot in a subdivision recorded prior to December 5, 1985, which does not meet the minimum lot size requirements in Section 7.21.027, the allowable design flow for a subsurface disposal system specified in the minimum design criteria may be waived in writing by the environmental officer, provided that:
1. Metered water flow demonstrates a history of subdivision water use that is consistent with the requested waiver;
2. Low flow water fixtures shall be installed to assure that the flow will not exceed the design flow;
3. Either a public agency or private agency such as a homeowners association exists, to monitor and enforce the installation and use of low flow fixtures and to monitor water use over time;
4. The soil absorption system can reasonably be expected to function under the proposed conditions.
(Ord. 1991-137 § 13 (part), 1991)