7.17.040   Emergency expenditures.
   A.   Notwithstanding Section 7.17.030, if the director determines that an environmental nuisance exists on private property pursuant to Chapter 7.45, and further determines that immediate corrective action is necessary to abate a nuisance determined to be an imminent and substantial endangerment to human health or the environment, the director may expend moneys from the general environmental hazard mitigation account to cause the environmental nuisance to be abated, removed or corrected if the owner or occupant fails to comply with the terms of the order issued pursuant to Section 7.45.040.
   B.   The director may expend moneys from the general environmental hazard mitigation account that have been annually appropriated by the board of supervisors for the purposes of this chapter. Within thirty days of initiating any expenditures pursuant to subsection A of this section, the director shall notify the board of supervisors and the director of the county finance department of the purpose for and the amount of the expenditures.
(Ord. 1991-137 § 11, 1991: Ord. 1990-39 § 1 (part), 1990)