18.63.040   Criteria.
   A.   Criteria for Historic Designation. A site, building, structure, object, man-made landscape, archaeological resource, or space is subject to designation as historic, if it can:
      1.   Be authenticated as dating from a particular significant period in Pima County's history; or
      2.   Be associated with the lives of outstanding historical personages; or
      3.   Be associated with significant events or occurrences; or
      4.   Be a good example of the architectural period in which it was built and have distinguishing characteristics of an architectural style, method of construction, or be the notable work of a master builder, designer or architect; or
      5.   Contribute information of archaeological, historical, cultural, or social importance relating to the heritage of the community; or
      6.   Relate to events, personages or architectural styles which are at least fifty years old. However, outstanding examples less than fifty years should be evaluated on their own merits.
   B.   Criteria for Establishing Historic District Zones.
      1.   In determining whether an area or district shall be established as an historic district zone, the criteria of this subsection shall be applied.
      2.   Not all of the criteria need to be satisfied; however, a sufficient number of the criteria should be satisfied to comply with the purpose and intent of this chapter:
         a.   An historic district zone should include historic sites, buildings, structures, objects, man-made landscapes, or spaces.
         b.   An historic district zone should include sites, buildings, structures, objects, man-made landscapes, or spaces in their original setting which contribute to an understanding of the heritage of the community.
         c.   The sites, buildings, structures, objects, man-made landscapes, or spaces should provide the area with a sense of uniqueness, so that it is readily distinguishable from other areas of the community.
         d.   The collection of sites, buildings, structures, objects, man-made landscapes, or spaces should possess integrity of location, design, setting, materials, workmanship, feeling, and association, thus constituting a recognizable entity.
   C.   Criteria for Establishing Historic Landmark Zones. In determining whether a single property or site shall be established as a historic landmark zone, the criteria shall include archaeological sites, historic sites, historic buildings, or historic structures which are individually listed or individually determined to be eligible for listing in the National Register of Historic Places at the local, state, or national level of significance and meet one or more of the criteria of subsections 18.63.040(A) and (B).
(Ord. 2018-9 § 2 (part), 2018: Ord. 1985-82 (part), 1985)