A. Development Restrictions in and near Protected Areas.
1. All development is prohibited within the protected area of a peak or ridge except with a special use permit, level two permit, or addition permit as provided in this chapter.
2. On land parcels approved for rezoning after August 11, 1998, all development is further prohibited within one hundred fifty feet (map distance) from a level one protected area.
3. All development within a level two protected area must comply with the level two protected area mitigation standards as provided in this chapter.
B. Color Requirements in and near Protected Areas. All exposed exterior walls and roofs of buildings (unless a roof is screened by a parapet wall extending at least three feet above the building), retaining walls, accessory structures, roads and utility structures located within the protected area of a peak or ridge or within a horizontal radius (map distance) of three hundred fifty feet from the protected area of a peak or ridge shall be earthtone in color to blend with the natural setting. Colors shall not exceed a light-reflective value of thirty-eight percent. The earthtone color palette is below in Section 18.61.041(C)(7).
C. Level Two Protected Area Mitigation Standards. All development within the level two protected area shall be reviewed for a level two permit with the following standards:
1. Native trees and shrubs shall be planted and spaced in at most twenty foot intervals to screen all building walls. An alternative vegetation that would achieve the same results may be used if approved by the planning official or his assigned designee. In all cases, fifteen-gallon plants or larger shall be used, and they must be connected to an irrigation system;
2. Roadway edges shall be revegetated in accordance with Section 18.61.055;
3. Building height shall not exceed eighteen feet;
4. Roof mounted antennas shall not be visible above the roofline;
5. Development activity shall comply with Section 18.61.042(C)(3)(c) through (f);
6. Lighting shall be in accordance with the county outdoor lighting code (Title 15); and
7. Building wall colors shall be earthtone and selected from a color palette of browns, adobes, rusts, tans, beiges, sepias, olives, mauves, and grays.
8. The width of a private driveway that must cross the protected area of a level two protected peak or ridge shall not exceed ten feet, and the width of a private roadway providing two-way access that must cross the protected area of a level two protected peak or ridge shall not exceed eighteen feet.
9. All utilities that cross the protected area of a level two peak or ridge shall be underground, with no accessory utility structures allowed within the protected area of the peak or the ridge, and the pathway to construct and install the utilities shall be completely revegetated.
D. Development Review Adjacent to Protected Peaks or Ridges.
1. When development is proposed within three hundred fifty feet of a level one or level two protected area, the developer shall submit to the development services department a topographic map (scale no smaller than one inch equals one-hundred feet with ten-foot contour intervals) delineating the protected area of the peak or ridge, the peak point or ridge line, and elevations.
2. This map shall be submitted in conjunction with a grading plan for building permit review purposes, tentative plat or development plan. This requirement shall also apply when a road or development is proposed within a protected area, subject to the granting of a special use or an addition permit in accordance with Section 18.61.042.
E. Site Design Guidelines for Level Two Peaks and Ridges. Development within the level two protected area shall be guided by the adopted Site Design Guidelines for Level 2 Peaks and Ridges.
(Ord. 2011-2 § 14, 2011; Ord. 2004-21 § 1 (part), 2004; Ord. 2003-17 § 1 (part), 2003)