A. Minimum Site Area. Twenty acres.
B. Maximum Density. One guest room per four thousand three hundred fifty-six square feet of site area.
C. Maximum Height. Thirty-four feet.
D. Maximum Site Coverage. Thirty-three percent of the site.
E. Minimum Site Setbacks. Fifty feet.
F. Landscaping, Buffering and Screening. Refer to Chapter 18.73 (Landscaping Standards).
G. Off-Street Parking. Refer to Chapter 18.75 (Off-Street Parking and Loading Standards).
H. Exterior Lighting. In accordance with the Outdoor Lighting Code (Title 15).
I. Signs. Refer to Section 18.79.050 O (Signs).
(Ord. 2020-41, § 2, 2020; Ord. 1985-153 § 1 (part), 1985)