A. An advisory committee known as the Pima County animal care advisory committee is established by the board of supervisors. The purpose of this committee is to:
1. Serve in an advisory capacity to the board of supervisors and to the manager of the Pima Animal Care Center;
2. Review and evaluate the general operations of the center in order to make recommendations to the board of supervisors for the purpose of assuring that:
a. The center's operations promote the public health and safety; and
b. The center safeguards the health and well-being of dogs and cats and is consistent with best practices and procedures of animal control and welfare; and
c. Establish by-laws that govern procedures for meetings and official correspondence.
B. Membership of this committee consists of the following:
1. Community Organizations and Partners:
a. Each of the following organizations or associations appoints one committee member: The Pima County board of Health; the Southern Arizona Veterinary Medical Association appoint a practicing community veterinarian; Pima Animal Care Center Partners, which is comprised of one representative of each of the jurisdictions that have an intergovernmental agreement with Pima County; Friends of Pima Animal Care Center, the nonprofit fundraising arm of PACC; and the registered volunteers with Pima Animal Care Center.
b. The term of appointment for committee members appointed pursuant to subsection (B)(1)(a) begins July 1, 2016.
c. At the first advisory committee meeting following July 1, 2016, the committee members appointed by organizational partners as delineated in subsection (B)(1)(a) shall, through random selection, identify two members to serve four year terms through June 30, 2020 and three members to serve two year terms through June 30, 2018.
2. Board of Supervisors Appointees:
a. Each member of the board of supervisors of Pima County appoints one individual to serve as a member of the advisory committee.
b. The term of appointment for committee members appointed pursuant to subsection (B)(2)(a) begins July 1, 2016.
i. At the first advisory committee meeting following July 1, 2016, the committee members appointed by members of the board of supervisors shall, through random selection, identify three members to serve four year terms through June 30, 2020 and two members to serve two year terms through June 30, 2018.
ii. Each subsequent appointment, other than for the purposes of filling the remainder of an unexpired term, is for four years.
3. County Administrator Appointees: The county administrator appoints one staff member and one community member to serve as members of the advisory committee.
a. The staff member appointed by the county administrator pursuant to subsection (B)(3) serves a four year term and will serve as a non-voting member.
b. The initial community committee member appointed by the county administrator pursuant to subsection (B)(3) serves a two year term beginning July 1, 2016.
c. Each subsequent appointment, other than for the purposes of filling the remainder of an unexpired term, is for four years.
C. Existing Members. The terms of any committee members serving at the time this section is adopted expire June 30, 2016.
D. Responsibilities of Each Committee Member:
1. Attend all meetings; and
2. Be informed about the Pima Animal Care Center's mission, services, policies and programs.
(Ord. 2016-15, § 1, 2016: Ord. 2015-18 § 1, 2015; Ord. 2012-33 § 1, 2012: Ord. 2011-74 § 1, 2011: Ord. 2004-17 § 1 (part), 2004; Ord. 2002-80 § 1 (part), 2002; Ord. 1998-55 § 1, 1998; Ord. 1998-15 § 1, 1998; Ord. 1988-12 § 1, 1988; prior code § 15.04.090)