17.40.040   Abbreviations.
   As utilized in this chapter, the following shall have the indicated meanings:
   A.   PAG—Pima Association of Governments;
   B.   TMA—Transportation Management Association;
   C.   TRO—Travel Reduction Ordinance;
   D.   TRP—Travel reduction program;
   E.   VMT—Vehicle miles traveled.
(Ord. 1988-72 § 1 (part), 1988)
Article III. Lead Agency
17.40.050   Powers and duties.
17.40.050   Powers and duties.
   A.   The Pima County department of environmental quality as lead agency for Pima County, shall evaluate major employers' TRP plans received from the TRP task force. The lead agency shall have sixty days to object to any such plan received, otherwise the plan is automatically approved. Any such objection shall be based upon the criteria set forth in Article V of this chapter. If the lead agency objects, the plan is not approved and shall be returned to the TRP task force with appropriate comments for review and revision in consultation with the employer.
   B.   The lead agency shall receive recommendations for enforcement from the TRP task force. The lead agency shall determine when enforcement action is appropriate and shall take such action as it deems necessary.
(Ord. 1990-113 § 9, 1990: Ord. 1988-72 § 1 (part), 1988)
Article IV. Major Employers Applicability
17.40.060   Major employers.
17.40.061   Voluntary participation.
17.40.060   Major employers.
   The provisions of this chapter shall apply to all major employers.
(Ord. 1988-72 § 1 (part), 1988)
17.40.061   Voluntary participation.
   Employers or groups of employers with less than one hundred full-time equivalent employees at a single work site are encouraged to participate in data collection and information dissemination efforts and in the preparation of their own travel reduction plans on a voluntary basis. These groups shall be assisted by the TRP task force, and TRP technical advisory committee and TRP staff, and shall be eligible for participation in all programs and services. Groups of employers are encouraged to form transportation management associations.
(Ord. 1988-72 § 1 (part), 1988)