(A) A deposit for sewer service shall be required in accordance with the provisions of this section.
(B) All applicants shall make a cash deposit to secure payments for sewer service not to exceed the amount of an estimated two month bill. The deposit shall be in accordance with the class and scope of the service and shall not draw any interest.
(1) Residential and commercial shops with five-eighths inch water meters shall provide a minimum deposit of $25.
(2) Services with water meters larger than five-eighths inch shall provide a minimum deposit of $50 or two times the estimated normal consumption based on previous users or on other similar businesses.
(C) The individual in whose name the deposit is made shall be responsible for payment of all bills incurred in connection with the services furnished.
(D) The deposit receipt is not negotiable and can be redeemed only at the Deposit Office.
(E) Where the town finds that the request for a deposit refund is questionable, the town may require the applicant for refund to produce the deposit receipt properly endorsed.
(F) When services are discontinued and all bills paid, the remaining portion of the deposit will be refunded.
(F) Upon discontinuance of service for non- payment of bills, the deposit will be applied by the town toward settlement of the account. Any balance will be refunded to the user; however, if the deposit is not sufficient to cover the bill, the town may proceed to collect the balance in the usual way provided by law for the collection of debts. Services will be restored only by payment of the balance, if any or the outstanding bills and a new deposit being made in the amount of the customer deposit required above.
(Res. passed 3-29-2001)
(A) The Town Board of Commissioners shall review not less often than once per year, the sewage contributions of users, the total costs of operation and maintenance (including replacement) of the sewerage facilities and the user charge system.
(B) The Town Board of Commissioners shall revise the user charges, if necessary, to accomplish the following:
(1) Maintain the proportionate distribution of operation and maintenance costs among users and user classifications. Each user shall pay its...MISSING MATERIAL...
(Res. passed 3-29-2001)
(A) Industrial wastewater charges or “surcharges” shall be applied to “industrial users”, defined as follows.
(1) INDUSTRIAL USER shall mean any nongovernmental, nonresidential user of the town sewerage system who discharges more than the equivalent of 25,000 gallons per day (gpd) of sanitary wastewater and is identified in the Standard Industrial Classification Manual, 1972, Office of Management and Budget, as amended and supplemented under one of the following divisions:
(a) Division A: Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing;
(b) Division B: Mining;
(c) Division D: Manufacturing;
(d) Division E: Transportation, Communications, Electric, Gas and Sanitary Services; and
(e) Division I: Services.
(2) In determining the amount of a user’s discharge for purposes of classification domestic wastewater discharges from sanitary conveniences shall be excluded.
(3) After applying the sanitary waste exclusion, discharges in the above divisions that have a volume exceeding 25,000 gpd or the weight of biochemical oxygen demand (BOD) or suspended solids (SS) equivalent to that weight found in 25,000 gpd of sanitary wastes are considered industrial users. Sanitary wastes, for purposes of this calculation of equivalency, are the wastes discharged from residential users.
(4) INDUSTRIAL USER shall also mean any other industrial, commercial or institutional user of the sanitary sewerage system that discharges wastewater to the treatment works which contain toxic pollutants, poisonous solids, liquids or gases in sufficient quantity either singly or by interaction with other wastes, to contaminate the sludge at the treatment works or to injure or to interfere with any sewage treatment process or which constitutes a hazard to humans or animals, creates a public nuisance or creates any hazard in or has an adverse effect on the waters receiving any discharge from the treatment works.
(5) INDUSTRIAL USER shall also mean any person discharging wastewater with concentrations in excess of 350 mg/l for BOD or suspended solids or 30 mg/1 for ammonia nitrogen.
(B) The industrial wastewater charges shall be established not less than one time per year and at the same time domestic user charges are established.
(1) Industrial wastewater charges shall be based on the actual costs for providing sewer services during the preceding fiscal year.
(2) The charges so computed along, with projected increases in costs, shall be the basis for estimating the increases in costs and shall be the basis for estimating the monthly billings to each such customer for the following fiscal year. The charges collected shall be adjusted to actual costs at the end of each fiscal year and appropriate credits given against billings in the ensuing year or additional billings made to each such customer using the actual wastewater quantities and characteristics discharged by that customer during the preceding fiscal year as the basis for computing the adjusted charges.
(3) The actual costs shall be determined as soon after the end of each fiscal year as possible and until such time the charges for the current year shall be based on either the rates for the prior year or on estimated rates for the current year.
(C) The costs included in the computation of actual charges for the preceding fiscal year or of estimated charges for an ensuing fiscal year, shall include the following:
(1) Operation and maintenance expenses; and
(2) Interest and principal on outstanding sewer bond issues.
(D) Industrial wastewater surcharges, in addition to the normal charges calculated in accordance with § 51.47(B), will be established for each of the following parameters:
(1) BOD: per pound;
(2) Suspended solids: per pound; and
(3) Other parameters as applicable: per pound.
(E) The surcharges will be calculated by the following formula:
Surcharge | [O & M cost/unit of BOD + O & M cost/unit of suspended solids + O & M cost/unit of any pollutant] volume contribution of user/time. |
(F) Industrial wastewater charges shall become effective on the first regular meter reading date for each user after said user is connected to the town system and after written notice from the town of classification as an industrial user.
(G) Interim monthly charges based on domestic user charges shall be invoiced and collected during the period equitable industrial rates are being developed. At the time of adoption of these regulations, there were no industrial dischargers on the town sewerage system.
(H) The Town Board of Commissioners may establish classes of industrial users and assign representative strengths of wastewater to each. Such class wastewater characteristics may recognize analyses of representative users of each class based on typical data from other sources. To the extent practical, actual data for each industrial user’s wastewater shall be used. Industrial users assigned standard strength parameters may request sample analyses of wastewater. Upon determination of the characteristics of samples representative of the wastewater on not less than three working days, such characteristics shall be used in determining the charges until the wastewater may again be sampled.
(I) The Town Board of Commissioners may consolidate the component charges of the industrial wastewater charges into a single volume charge which includes the characteristic charges computed for a unit volume of 1,000 gallons. Such a weighted volume charge may be applicable to a class of users or to each user where his or her actual wastewater characteristics are known.
(J) Industrial users exhibiting marked, seasonal load variations shall pay charges which recognize the dedication or reservation of capacity for the treatment of their seasonal peak operating loads and any unusual operation and maintenance costs directly related to such seasonal loads. This provision shall apply only to those industrial users whose peak loads exceed 10% of any capacity parameter and are at least twice its off season loads.
(K) The user charge system herein enacted shall take precedence over any preexisting agreements concerning the charges to be collected for providing wastewater treatment services or reserving capacity.
(Res. passed 3-29-2001)
(A) Sewer user bills shall be rendered monthly and shall be due and payable within ten days of the date of billing. The service may be discontinued without further notice for non-payment. The town reserves the right to vary the dates or length of period covered, temporarily or permanently if necessary or desirable.
(B) Bills for sewer service will be calculated in accordance with the town’s published rate schedule then in effect and will be based on the amount consumed for the period covered by meter readings.
(C) Charges for services commence when the sewer tap is installed and connection made, whether used or not. Sixty days may be allowed for hookup on initial installation of a sewer line.
(D) Failure to receive bills shall not prevent such bills from becoming delinquent or relieve the consumer from payment.
(E) Sewer connections that have been plugged or severed due to delinquent accounts shall be unplugged or reconnected to the sewer system upon the payment of all outstanding sewer user bills and payment of a reconnection fee of $50.
(Res. passed 3-29-2001)
(A) If a user believes a bill to be in error, the user shall present a claim, in person or in writing, at the Sewer Department’s office before the bill becomes delinquent. Such claims, if made after the bill has become delinquent shall not be effective to prevent discontinuance of service as heretofore provided. The user may pay such bill under protest and payment under protest shall not prejudice his or her claim.
(B) A user’s sewer bill shall be adjusted automatically in the event of a similar adjustment of a water bill, provided the basis for adjustment was based on circumstances which also affected the sewer bill.
(C) The Town Board of Commissioners shall be the final reviewing authority for all appeals.
(Res. passed 3-29-2011)