   (A)   It shall be unlawful for the owner of any animal to allow such animal to be at large in the town or on any town property.
   (B)   It shall be unlawful for any person owning, harboring, keeping or in charge of any animal to fail to remove feces deposited by the animal on any street, sidewalk, park or other publicly owned area.
   (C)   It shall be unlawful for any person owning, harboring,  keeping or in charge of any animal to fail to remove feces deposited by the animal on any private property unless the owner of the property has given permission allowing such use of the property.
(Ord. passed 7-25-2000) Penalty, see § 91.99
   (A)   Prohibited generally; exceptions. It shall be unlawful to own, keep or harbor a public nuisance animal within the town. Provided, however, it shall not be unlawful to own or keep a dog of vicious tendencies for the protection of persons or property, if such dog is securely confined in a manner not to expose it to the general public. This exception for dogs of vicious tendencies does not extend to dogs which excessively make disturbing noises.
   (B)   Complaint and notice. Upon receipt of a written detailed and signed complaint being made to the Police Department by any residence or residents that any person is maintaining a public nuisance animal as defined in this chapter, the Chief of Police or his or her authorized representative shall cause the owner of the animal or animals in question to be notified that a complaint has been received and shall cause the situation complained of to be investigated and a written report of the findings be prepared by the investigating police officer. The Chief of Police may declare an animal to be a public nuisance.
   (C)   Abatement. If the written findings of the investigating officer indicate that the complaint is justified, then the Chief of Police shall cause the owner or keeper of the animal or animals in question to be so notified in writing ordered to abate such nuisance within 24 hours after notification. Failure to abate nuisance within 24 hours of notification, the Chief of Police or his or her designee will issue a citation. In the event the owner of the animal or animals is unknown and cannot be ascertained, the notice or order, along with a general description of the animal or animals shall be posted at the town hall. If any person receiving notice in the matter herein above described shall fail or refuse to abate the nuisance upon the order of the Chief of Police within the specified time, the Chief of Police may cause the animal or animals in question to be apprehended and impounded in accordance with the provisions of § 91.50 of this chapter.
   (D)   Right to appeal. Within the 24-hour period mentioned in division (C) above, the owner of the nuisance animal may appeal the findings of the Chief of Police to the Town Administrator by giving written notice to the Town Administrator with a copy to the Chief of Police. The appeal stays the abatement of the nuisance until a final determination by the Town Board.
   (E)   Redemption; destruction. If the owner of a nuisance animal shall so request, the animal or animals may be redeemed pursuant to the provisions of § 91.48 and upon the further condition that the owner execute a written agreement to comply with the abatement order. If no redemption and execution is made by the owner within the time specified under division (C) above, then the animal shall be disposed of in accordance with the provisions of § 91.51 hereunder.
(Ord. passed 7-25-2000)  Penalty, see § 91.99
   It shall be unlawful for any person to interfere with, hinder or molest the Police Department or its agents or county animal control officers or veterinarians in the performance of any duty authorized by this chapter or seeks to release any animal in the custody of said agents, whether it be a holding facility or a trap designed specifically to capture an animal and set by the police officer or the tampering with a trap set by the above mentioned agents to prevent the capture of an animal.
(Ord. passed 7-25-2000)  Penalty, see § 91.99
§ 91.12  VIOLATIONS.
   (A)   In discharging their duties under this chapter, members of the Police Department are hereby empowered to issue citations to any person if there is reasonable cause to believe that the person has violated any of the provisions of this chapter. Citations so issued may be delivered in person to the violator by member of the Police Department or they may be mailed to the person so charged, if he or she cannot be readily found. Any notice or citations so delivered or mailed shall direct the alleged violator to appear at the town hall of the town on or before a specific day and hour named in the notice; and the period so specified shall be not less than 96 hours after its delivery to the violator.
   (B)   The Chief of Police shall cause all notice forms to be serially numbered in triplicate and shall cause the records with respect to the notice forms and the disposition of the same to be maintained that all forms shall be capable of being accounted for. The Chief of Police or his or her representative shall periodically investigate the records of the Department for the purpose of determining the disposition of the notice forms and shall report the result of such investigation to the Town Administrator. For the purpose of making this investigation, the Town Administrator shall have access to the necessary records of the Department.
   (C)   If an alleged violator of any section of this chapter does not appear in response to the notice described in division (A) above or before the day and hour named in said notice, the Police Department shall send to such violator a notice informing the violator of the violation and warning the violator that he will be held responsible to appear in answer to said notice and that in the event that such notice is disregarded for a period of four days (96 hours) from the date of mailing of this second notice, a complaint will be filed and a warrant of arrest issued.
   (D)   If a violator does not appear in response to the above described notices and citation, the Police Department shall forthwith have a complaint entered against such person and secure and issue a warrant for his or her arrest.
(Ord. passed 7-25-2000)
   (A)   Any animal in a holding facility which shows signs of illness or contagious disease shall be isolated in such manner as to prevent the spread of such illness or disease to other animals. All sick, diseased or injured animals in such facilities shall be provided appropriate veterinary care; and areas where said animal has been shall be decontaminated.
   (B)   All holding facilities shall, in addition to complying with other applicable provisions of this chapter, provide for healthy and comfortable temperatures, in accordance with the age and species of animals, in areas outside building where animals are kept.
(Ord. passed 7-25-2000)
   (A)   Compliance. All pet shops, as defined herein, including pet shops operating in conjunction with another holding facility, shall, in addition to the other requirements of this chapter, comply with the minimum standards of this section.
   (B)   Standards. There shall be available hot water at a minimum temperature of 140°F for washing cages and disinfecting them and cold water easily accessible to all parts of the shop. Fresh water will be available to all species at all times. Containers are to be cleaned and disinfected each day. All water containers shall be mounted so the animal cannot turn them over and be removable for cleaning.
   (C)   Room temperature. The room temperature of the shop shall be maintained at a level that is healthful for every species of animals kept in the shop.
   (D)   Cages and enclosures. All cages and enclosures are to be of a nonporous material for easy cleaning and disinfecting. Each cage must be of sufficient size that any animal will have room to stand, turn and stretch out to its full length.
   (E)   Feeding. All animals under three months old are to be fed at least three times per 24 hours. Animals over three months old should be fed once every 24 hours. Food for all animals shall be served in a clean dish so mounted that the animals cannot readily tip it over nor defecate or urinate therein.
   (F)   Birds. Each bird must have sufficient room to sit on a perch. Perches shall be placed horizontal to each other in the same cage. Cages must be cleaned every day and cages must be disinfected when birds are sold. Parrots and other large birds shall have separate cages from smaller birds.
   (G)   Bedding. There shall be sufficient clean, dry bedding to meet the needs of each individual animal.
   (H)   Fish. The temperature of water in which fish are kept shall be maintained at a constant temperature that is healthful.
   (I)   General watering and sanitation requirements. All animals must be watered and cages cleaned everyday, including Saturdays, Sundays and holidays.
(Ord. passed  7-25-2000)  Penalty, see § 91.99