Building Regulations
150.01 Intent
150.02 Definitions
150.03 Standards
150.04 Temporary use permit
150.05 Appeal
150.06 Other provisions and ordinances
Unsafe Buildings
150.20 Definitions
150.21 Unlawful conditions
150.22 Criteria
150.23 Cause of condition
150.24 Use, effect on others
150.25 Manner of determination
150.26 Town Council to be informed
150.27 Notice to violators
150.28 Failure to correct
150.29 Hearing
150.30 Failure to obey final determination
150.31 Building includes real estate
150.32 Notice to owners
150.33 Notice to lessee
150.34 State Building Code adopted
150.35 State Unsafe Building Law adopted
150.99 Penalty
It is the intent of this subchapter to encourage provision of alternative modest income housing in general residential areas by permitting the use of certain manufactured homes, as defined herein, in all districts in which similar dwellings constructed on-site are permitted, subject to the requirements set forth herein to ensure acceptable similarity in exterior appearance between such manufactured homes and dwellings that have been or might be constructed under these and other lawful regulations on adjacent or nearby lots in the same district, and to establish minimum square-foot requirements for all single-family residences.
(Prior Code, § 6-2-1) (Ord. 86-6-1A, passed - -)
For the purpose of this subchapter, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
EXPANDO ROOM. An expandable manufactured housing unit.
MANUFACTURED HOME. A dwelling unit fabricated on or after June 15, 1976, in an off-site manufacturing facility for installation or assembly at the building site, bearing a seal certifying that it is built in compliance with the Federal Manufactured Housing Construction and Safety Standards Code, being 42 U.S.C. §§ 5401 et seq. or Pub. Law No. 360, Acts of 1971, as promulgated by the state’s Administrative Building Council.
MANUFACTURED HOUSING CONSTRUCTION AND SAFETY STANDARDS CODE. Title IV of the 1974 Housing and Community Development Act (42 U.S.C. §§ 5401 et seq.), as amended (previously known as the Federal Mobile Home Construction and Safety Act), rules and regulations adopted thereunder, which include HUD-approved information supplied by the home manufacturer and regulations and interpretations of said Code by the state’s Administrative Building Council.
MOBILE HOME. A transportable structure built prior to June 15, 1976, the effective date for the Federal Mobile Home Construction and Safety Act of 1974, larger than 320 square feet, and designed to be used as a year-round residential dwelling.
PLAN COMMISSION. The county’s Area Plan Commission.
PUBLIC LAW 360, ACTS OF 1971. Enabling legislation requiring the state’s Administrative Building Council to adopt rules and regulations for the construction, repair or maintenance of factory-constructed one- or two-family residential dwellings.
SPECIAL EXCEPTION PERMIT. A device for permitting a use within a district other than a principally permitted use.
STATE ONE- AND TWO-FAMILY DWELLING CODE. The mandatory statewide Building Code adopted by the state’s Administrative Building Council for one- and two-family residential dwellings, codified at 675 I.A.C. 14-4.4-1 through 245.
(Prior Code, § 6-2-2) (Ord. 86-6-1A, passed - -)
(A) Permitted placement. The establishment, location and use of manufactured homes and on-site built homes as scattered-site residences shall be permitted in any zone permitting installation of a dwelling unit subject to requirements and limitations applying generally to such residential use in the district and provided such homes shall meet the following requirements and limitations.
(1) The home shall meet all requirements applicable to single-family dwellings and possess all necessary improvement location, building and occupancy permits and other certifications required by the code.
(2) The home shall be larger than 720 square feet of occupied space, with a minimum width of 23 feet and with a minimum length of 23 feet.
(3) The home shall be attached and anchored to a permanent foundation below frost line in conformance with the regulations in the state’s One- and Two-Family Dwelling Code and with manufacturer’s installation specifications.
(4) The home shall be covered with an exterior material customarily used for on-site built residential dwellings, and such material shall extend over the top of the foundation.
(5) The home shall have a roof composed of a material customarily used for on-site built residential dwellings, such as asbestos, fiberglass, shake, asphalt, slate or tile, which shall be installed onto a surface appropriately pitched for the materials used.
(B) Placement with permit. Manufactured homes not meeting the terms of division (A) above and mobile homes shall be permitted within the town only after receiving a special exception permit from the body authorized to grant special exception permits.
(C) Structural alteration. Due to its integral design, any structural alteration or modification of a manufactured or mobile home after it is placed on the site must be approved by the Director of the Area Plan Commission.
(Prior Code, § 6-2-3) (Ord. 86-6-1A, passed - -)