1232.04   STREETS.
   (a)   Single-Family Residential. Public streets shall be required and accepted by the City for all single-family residential developments. Public streets shall stub into adjacent parcels to correspond with the City of Pickerington Access Management Plan and to parcels with future development potential.
   (b)   Residential. Streets in multi-family developments shall be built to the following standards:
      (1)   The minimum street width shall be twenty-four feet.
      (2)   The street right-of-way width requirements can be varied based on individual developments and utility requirements.
      (3)   Curb (eighteen inch) and gutters shall be required along all streets and private driveways serving more than one unit.
      (4)   Streets serving four or fewer units or alleys parallel to a public street can be private driveways with a minimum width of sixteen feet.
      (5)   Parking lots and/or loading areas in multi-family residential development are not required to meet City construction standards unless required by City staff.
      (6)   Streets shall stub into adjacent parcels as required to correspond with the City of Pickerington Access Management Plan or parcels that have future development potential.
   (c)   Commercial/Industrial. The City has the authority to determine if driveways to commercial and industrial developments shall be streets or commercial driveways based on the City of Pickerington Access Management Plan and projected traffic capacity. Also, the City has the authority to determine types of curbs within each development.
   (d)   The Engineer may increase or decrease the widths provided under this section when such widths are not appropriate for a specific situation.
(Ord. 2014-27. Passed 8-5-14.)