(a)   Review.
      (1)   The City Manager, in coordination with all relevant and necessary City staff, must prepare and submit a report to the City Council on the subject of impact fees.
      (2)   The report may include any or all of the following:
         A.   Recommendations for amendments, if appropriate, to this chapter;
         B.   Proposed changes to the City Comprehensive Plan and/or an applicable ordinance or policy, including the identification of additional public facility projects anticipated to be funded wholly or partially with impact fees;
         C.   Creation of impact fee districts, as necessary;
         D.   Proposed changes to impact fee schedules as set forth in the ordinances imposing and setting impact fees for particular public facilities;
         E.   Proposed changes to level of service standards for particular public facilities;
         F.   Proposed changes to any impact fee calculation methodology;
         G.   Proposed changes to the population, housing, land use, persons per household or nonresidential development projections included in the methodology report and upon which the impact fee amounts have been determined; or
         H.   Other data, analysis, or recommendations as the City Manager may deem appropriate, or as may be requested by the City Council.
      (3)   The report must include the following background data:
         A.   Number of building permits issued by type of residential or nonresidential development;
         B.   Gross floor area of new nonresidential development, by type;
         C.   Total amount of impact fees collected, by public facility and by land use type;
         D.   Total expenditures made from impact fee accounts and the purpose for which the expenditure was made, i.e., the description, type, and location of the public facility project;
         E.   When the public facility project was or will be initiated and completed;
         F.   Whether additional impact fee funds will be appropriated for the same project in the future;
         G.   Whether supplemental non-impact fee funds have been used for the project and, if so, how much;
         H.   The service area of the public facility project;
         I.   The total estimated cost of the project and the portion funded with impact fees;
         J.   Whether the public facility project is in the City's current annual budget, capital improvements plan, or comprehensive plan;
         K.   The estimated useful life of the project; and
         L.   Such other facts as may be deemed relevant by the City Manager or City Council.
      (4)   City Council action. The City Council may take such actions as it deems appropriate, including; but not limited to, amending this chapter, requesting additional data or analyses, and holding public workshops and/or public hearings.
   (b)   Annual Adjustments.
      (1)   On July 1, 2006, and on July 1 of each year thereafter, the amount of any impact fee may be adjusted without further action by the City Council to reflect inflationary increases in the cost of providing public facilities. The City Manager must base any adjustment made pursuant to this paragraph on the most recent 20-City annual national average data from the Engineering News Record Construction Cost Index. Any adjustment based on other information or adjustments in excess of documented inflationary costs may be made only pursuant to City Council action.
      (2)   The City Manager may make the automatic annual adjustment unless the City Council, in its review, determines an alternate adjustment is appropriate.
(Ord. 2007-45. Passed 8-21-07.)