(a) The owner, or the occupant with written permission from the owner, of any lot, premises or parcel of land within the Municipality, who desires to construct an earth station on such lot, premises or land parcel, shall first obtain a permit to do so from the Building Official.
(b) The Building Official shall issue such permit, provided the applicant submits a written application upon forms provided and approved by the Building Official, along with a plot plan of the lot, premises or land parcel attached, showing the exact location and dimensions of the proposed earth station; a description of the kind of earth station proposed; the exact location and dimensions of all buildings or structures; construction plans and specifications showing the elevations of the proposed earth station upon completion; and a structural analysis. Each application shall specify, among other things, the name and address of the owner of the real estate; the applicant; the preparer of the plans and specifications; and the person to be permitted to construct the proposed earth station.
(c) The applicant shall present documentation of the possession of any license or permit required by any Federal, State or local agency pertaining to the ownership, construction or operation of an earth station.
(Ord. 86-42. Passed 6-17-86.)
(d) The applicant shall submit, with each application, a permit fee as set forth in the General Fee Schedule. The permit fee shall cover the costs of reviewing the construction plans and specifications, inspecting the final construction and processing the application.
Because of safety and aesthetic factors, all satellite signal-receiving antennas shall be ground-mounted and shall conform to the following requirements:
(a) No earth station shall be constructed in any front or side yard, but shall be constructed to the rear of the residence or main structure.
(b) No earth station, including its concrete base slab or other substructure, shall be constructed less than eight feet from any property line.
(c) An earth station shall not exceed a grade height of twelve feet.
(d) An earth station shall be designed to withstand a wind force of seventy-five miles per hour without the use of supporting guy wires.
(Ord. 86-42. Passed 6-17-86.)
In the event signals cannot be received through placing the signal-receiving device in the prescribed location under Section 1462.04, an aggrieved party may appeal the decision of the Building Official to the Manager, who shall have the power to sustain or reverse the decision of the Building Official.