The Chief of Police shall be responsible for the allocation, care and maintenance of the equipment of the Pewee Valley Police Department, including the police vehicle, in accordance with this chapter, state law and the Standard Operating Procedures Manual. The Chief of Police shall also be responsible for the custody and preservation of evidence collected in connection with crimes occurring within the jurisdiction of the Pewee Valley Police Department, in accordance with this chapter, state law and the Standard Operating Procedures Manual.
(Prior Code KOC, § 320.10, passed 1-5-2004)
(A) The Chief of Police shall be responsible for the day-to-day operations of the Police Department; provided that, the Mayor and City Council are entitled to a full accounting how all funds are spent. Notwithstanding, purchase requests and regular monthly bills for the Police Department shall be submitted for approval at the City Council meeting, in the same manner and procedure as other city expenditures.
(B) The Chief of Police shall submit to the Mayor a proposed budget by April 1 for the fiscal year starting July 1 and ending June 31. The police budget shall include specific line-item requests for all resources necessary to run the department, including a request for officer man-hours and rate of pay (including the Chief), plus benefits. The police budget proposal shall then be reviewed and submitted to the City Council for consideration, modification, approval or rejection according to its authority under Kentucky law.
(Prior Code KOC, § 320.10, passed 1-5-2004)
(A) Any disciplinary action of any officer, including the Chief, shall occur in accordance with procedures set out in the Standard Operating Procedures Manual, but at a minimum any termination, suspension or reduction in grade may only be imposed after a hearing or appeal before the City Council. All officers, including the Chief, are subject to an initial 6-month probationary period, which may be extended up to 12 months by the Mayor in his or her sole discretion.
(B) The City of Pewee Valley has not established a civil service system under KRS Chapters 95 or 90; therefore the “Policeman’s Bill of Rights” contained in KRS 15.520 will only apply to an officer after the probationary period has ended and the city has elected to participate in the Kentucky Law Enforcement Foundation Program (KLEFPF) and all other prerequisites of KRS 15.520 have been met.
(Prior Code KOC, § 320.10, passed 1-5-2004)
(A) The Police Department, as part of the Executive branch of government, shall report to the Mayor as the city’s chief executive. The Mayor shall supervise the Police Department and all its officers and employees, who shall submit regular reports to him or her as set out in the Standard Operating Procedures Manual, or as the Mayor may otherwise direct. The Chief shall file with the Mayor on Monday of each week all patrol sheets from the preceding week, as well as a written summary of all police operations from the preceding week, including pay sheets showing hours worked for each pay period and each patrol scheduled.
(B) The Mayor shall promulgate Standard Operating Procedures, which may be amended from time to time, to insure the orderly administration of the functions of the Police Department, subject to approval of the Council. The Standard Operating Procedures Manual shall be filed with the person responsible for maintaining city records as provided under KRS 83A.060 and a copy given to each member of the Police Department. The Standard Operating Procedures cannot vary any term of this chapter.
(C) The City Council, having legislative authority only, shall not perform any executive functions, including the direction or discipline of the Police Department or officers, without the prior consent of the Mayor. City Council members may not direct police operations or officers but must take their requests and concerns to the Mayor as the Chief Executive of the city.
(D) Physical fitness being necessary to perform the essential functions of the job, every police officer shall undergo and pass a physical examination, including hearing, vision and drug tests as a condition of initial employment, and shall have such examinations performed at least annually, including random drug testing, as a condition of continued employment.
(Prior Code KOC, § 320.10, passed 1-5-2004)
No regular police operations shall be conducted outside the boundaries of the city, except to backup or assist other police or law enforcement agencies requesting emergency assistance outside the city limits, including, but not limited to life threatening emergencies, conditions of eminent danger, incidents of domestic violence or the pursuit of suspected felons, as described in detail in the Standard Operating Procedures Manual.
(Prior Code KOC, § 320.10, passed 1-5-2004)