(A) After preparation of the report required by § 33.13, the city shall hold at least 1 public hearing on the proposed improvement at which all interested persons shall be heard.
(B) Notice of the hearing shall be published pursuant to KRS Chapter 424, and mailed to each affected property owner by certified mail, return receipt requested, and shall include:
(1) The nature of the improvement;
(2) Description of area of the improvement;
(3) Statement that the city proposes to finance the improvement in whole or in part by special assessment of property and the method to be used;
(4) Time and place the report may be examined; and
(5) Time and place of the hearing.
(KRS 91A.250)
Within 90 days of conclusion of the hearing, the city shall determine whether to proceed with the improvement by special assessments, and if it determines to proceed shall adopt an ordinance so stating and containing all necessary terms, including the items referred to in § 33.13 and a description of all properties. Promptly upon passage the city shall publish such ordinance pursuant to KRS Chapter 424 and shall mail by certified mail to each affected property owner a notice of determination to proceed with the project, the fair basis of assessment to be utilized, the estimated cost to the property owner and the ratio the cost to each property owner bears to the total cost of the entire project.
(KRS 91A.260)
(A) Within 30 days of the mailing of the notice provided for in § 33.15, any affected property owner may file an action in the circuit court of the county, contesting the undertaking of the project by special assessment, the inclusion of his or her property in the improvement, or the amount of his or her
assessment. If the action contests the undertaking of the improvement by the special assessment method of the inclusion of the property of that property owner, no further action on the improvement insofar as it relates to any property owner who is a plaintiff shall be taken until the final judgment has been entered.
(B) The city may proceed with the improvement with respect to any properties whose owners have not filed or joined in an action as provided in this section or who have contested only the amounts of their assessments, and the provisions of the resolution are final and binding with respect to the property owners except as to contested amounts of assessments. After the lapse of time as herein provided, all actions by owners of properties are forever barred.
(KRS 91A.270)
(A) After the passage of time for the action provided for in § 33.16, or after favorable final judgment in any such action, whichever comes later, the city may proceed with the improvement or part thereof stayed by the action, including notice requiring payment of special assessment or installment thereon and bonds or other method proposed to finance the improvement. The first installment may be apportioned so that other payments will coincide with payment of ad valorem taxes.
(B) The amount of any outstanding assessment or installments thereof on any property, and accrued interest and other charges, constitutes a lien on the property to secure payment to the bondholders or any other source of financing of the improvement. The lien takes precedence over all other liens, whether created prior to or subsequent to the publication of the ordinance, except a lien for state and county taxes, general municipal taxes and prior improvement taxes, and is not defeated or postponed by any private or judicial sale, by any mortgage, or by any error or mistake in the description of the property or in the names of the owners. No error in the proceedings of the Council shall exempt any benefitted property from the lien for the improvement assessment, or from payment thereof, or from the penalties or interest thereon, as herein provided.
(KRS 91A.280)
The city may undertake any further proceedings to carry out the improvement or any extension or refinancing thereof, except that §§ 33.13 through 33.17 applies if additional property is included in the improvement or if change is made in the method or period of financing; but additional property may be
included in the improvement with the consent of the owner thereof without compliance with other sections if it does not increase the cost apportioned to any other property, or any other change may be made without the compliance if all property owners of the improvement consent.
(KRS 91A.290)