It shall be unlawful to park, store, leave or permit the parking, standing, storing or leaving of any licensed or unlicensed motor vehicle of any kind for a period of time in excess of 72 hours, which vehicle is in a rusted, wrecked, junked or partially dismantled or inoperative or abandoned condition, whether attended to or not, upon any public or private property within the city, unless the same is completely enclosed within a building or unless it is in connections with a business enterprise properly operated in the appropriate zone pursuant to the zoning laws of the city.
(Prior Code KOC, § 540.3, passed 9-3-1968) Penalty, see § 10.99
Statutory reference:
Abandoned vehicles on city streets, see KRS 189.751 through 189.753
Liens on motor vehicles for storage or towing charges, see KRS 376.275
In the event the owner, agent or occupant of the property on which any parked, stored or abandoned vehicle is allowed to remain in excess of 72 hours as referred to in § 96.01, after being notified to remove the same, does not take appropriate action to remove or completely enclose the same within a building, then the city may enter upon the premises and take whatever action is necessary to remove the same from the premises, and the owner, agent or occupant thereof shall be responsible and liable for the costs incurred by the city in removing the vehicle.
(Prior Code KOC, § 540.3, passed 9-3-1968)