Board of Commissioners
31.01 Establishment and provisions
31.02 Districts established
County Council
31.15 Establishment and provisions
31.16 Districts established
County Officials
31.30 Generally
31.31 County Assessor
31.32 County Auditor
31.33 County Coroner
31.34 County Prosecutor
31.35 County Recorder
31.36 County Sheriff
31.37 County Surveyor
31.38 County Treasurer
31.39 County Highway Engineer
Authorizing the Use of Credit Cards
31.50 Authorized
31.51 Issuance and use
31.52 Designated parties
31.53 Rules governing use
Claim Payments
31.65 Allowing claim payments in advance of Board allowance
(A) The county shall be divided into three districts for the purpose of electing members of the Board of County Commissioners.
(B) The districts are as follows:
(1) District No. 1 shall consist of Troy Township;
(2) District No. 2 shall consist of Leopold, Tobin and Union Townships; and
(3) District No. 3 shall consist of Anderson, Clark and Oil Townships.
(1984 Code, § 3-2) (Ord. 89-C-1, passed 1-3-1989)