(A) The water system of the village shall be extended throughout the entire subdivision in such a manner that every lot in such subdivision may be serviced by means of a house connection within its own frontage.
(B) Additions to the village water system shall be at the discretion of the Board of Trustees of the village.
(C) All water mains shall be six inch minimum. All mains around the perimeter of a subdivision, P.U.D., commercial or industrial development shall be 12 inch minimum. All mains within an apartment complex shall be 8 inch minimum, and all mains within an industrial complex shall be 10 inch minimum.
(D) All water mains and fittings shall be Ductile Iron, Class 52, ASA 21.51 with push on type joint, Clow Company "Super Bell-tite" or approved equal.
(E) All water mains and fittings shall be cement lined in accordance with ANSI, A21.4 (AWWA C-104) and/or Federal Specification WW-P-421c and be electrically conductive from one pipe to another.
(F) Water mains laid in corrosive soil, spoiled ground, filled ground or peat, will be protected by encasing the pipe in 8-mil thick polyethylene tube or sheet material.
(G) The center line of all pipe shall be laid to a minimum depth of five feet below the finished grade.
(H) Trench backfill is required under all sidewalks and pavement including parking lots.
(I) All mains must be pressure tested prior to sterilization. A pressure of 125 P.S.I., for a duration of at least two hours, with allowable leakage as recommended by CIPRA, is required.
(J) Water mains will be sterilized and bacteriological tests will be performed in accordance with AWWA Standard C601, Specification for Disinfecting Water Mains, and they will not be put into service until a satisfactory report is in evidence.
(K) All water main installations will recirculate; dead end mains will not be allowed.
(L) All services for water shall be constructed to connect with the utility service mains constructed within any easement to serve each adjoining lot, tract or building site. Such services shall extend straight from the main to a point between seven or eight feet from the property line where the proper curb stop and curb box will be installed.
(M) The size of a water service line shall be a minimum of one inch of K type copper with no couplings other than for curb stops to be included in the installation.
(N) Services for each multi-family, commercial or industrial building, shall be of the size and material specified by the Building and Water Departments, with a minimum of one inch allowed.
(O) Corporation stops of one inch size will be of a Mueller H15000, McDonald 4701, or equal. Stops of 1½ and 2 inches will be a Mueller Oriseal, or equal. All stops of 1½ inches and larger will be provided with full circle saddles on mains below 10 inches in size.
(P) Curb stops from one through two inches shall be of the ball type McDonald Type 6104, Minneapolis Pattern, or Mueller Type, or equal, and shall be installed with a Minneapolis Pattern curb box of McDonald type 5622 of 1½ inch diameter, or Mueller Type, or equal, and in no case shall be positioned in a sidewalk or driveway, or be buried underground.
(Q) A cement or brick block will be placed under each curb stop to insure stability.
('70 Code, § 8.1.20B.) (Ord. 79-08, passed 11-26-79)