Upon the effective date of this chapter, and from time to time thereafter as necessary, the Administrator shall evaluate all buildings within the village he or she believes to be vacant and make a determination for each as to whether the building is a vacant building within the meaning of this chapter. For any building the Administrator determines to be a vacant building, he or she shall send notice of the written determination with the factual findings to the last taxpayer of record listed on the public tax records for the property. The notice shall contain a statement of the obligations of the owner of a building determined to be a vacant building, a copy of the vacant building registration certificate application form the owner is required to file, and a notice of the owner's right to appeal the Administrator's determination. The notice of determination shall be sent first class United States mail, proper postage prepaid. The Administrator may determine that a building which meets any of the criteria set forth in of this chapter is not to be regulated under this chapter for a stated period, if upon consideration of reliable, substantiated and sufficient evidence he or she determines that regulation of the building under this chapter would not serve the public health, welfare, and safety and makes written findings in support of any such decision.
(Ord. 21-03, passed 4-26-21)