Buildings, structures, pavement, and streets shall be located in compliance with the following development and site planning standards.
   (a)   Ownership. Ownership of lots in a conservation development shall be fee simple. All lots shall comply with the requirements of this section.
   (b)   Lot Requirements.  
      (1)   Lots for standard detached single-family dwellings included as part of a conservation development, shall be not less than two and one-half acres in area.
      (2)   Lots shall have a minimum width at the front setback line of 250 feet.
      (3)   The applicant shall depict on the development plan the maximum, parameters or building envelopes, to indicate where buildings shall be located, and shall demonstrate that such building locations will be in compliance with the spacing and setback requirements of this section.
   (c)   Dwelling Size Regulations.
      (1)   Each Dwelling shall comply with the minimum floor area requirements established by Section 1113.01(h).
      (2)    The total aggregate amount of gross livable floor area shall not exceed five thousand five hundred (5,500) square feet per dwelling unit. Gross livable floor area shall mean the sum of the total enclosed area of all floors of a building measured from the inside faces of exterior walls, excluding garages, basements, and uninhabitable attics.
   (d)   Perimeter Building Regulations.
      (1)   The minimum setback from an existing public street shall be two hundred (200) feet.
      (2)   The minimum setback from the project boundary shall be one hundred (100) feet.
   (e)   Interior Building Setback Regulations.
      (1)   The minimum setback from a proposed interior private street edge of pavement or a public right-of-way, if permitted by the Village, shall be one hundred (100) feet.
      (2)   The minimum side yard setbacks shall be thirty-five feet
      (3)   The minimum separation between dwellings shall be seventy feet.
      (4)    The minimum rear yard setback shall be one hundred (100) feet.
   (f)   Height. The maximum height of buildings shall be as provided in Section 1113.01 for R-1, Rural Residential District.
   (g)   Resource Protection Regulations.
      (1)   Wetlands Protection. Wetlands that are required by the Army Corp of Engineers or the Ohio EPA to be retained shall be protected by the following:
         A.   A buffer area having a width not less than twenty feet, measured from the edge of the designated wetland. The area within this buffer shall not be disturbed and shall be retained in its natural state; and
         B   A minimum building and pavement setback of thirty-five feet, measured from the edge of the designated wetland.
      (2)   Conservation of Riparian Zones:
         A.   A riparian buffer shall be provided along the entire length and on both sides of a river or perennial stream channel. The buffer area shall have a width not less than fifty feet, measured from the river or stream bank.
         B.   Walkways or trails may be permitted to be located within riparian buffers when the Planning Commission determines that such will create minimal change to the riparian buffer.
   (h)   General Street Design Criteria.
      (1)   All streets constructed as part of a Conservation Development shall be private streets unless a public street is specifically authorized by the Village to provide for interconnection or to achieve some other public access purpose.
      (2)   Private streets within a Conservation/Recreation Overlay shall have twenty-two feet of asphalt pavement with berms. Private cul-de-sac streets shall be designed with sufficient turn around areas to adequately accommodate emergency vehicles and service vehicles such as snow plows garbage and fire trucks. Private streets shall be designed and constructed in accordance with the standards and specifications of the Village Engineer.
      (3)   Each dwelling unit shall have access to a public street or to a private street internal to the Conservation Development in a manner approved by the Village and said access shall be clearly defined on the site plan. No lots shall front on existing public rights-of-ways unless approved by the Planning Commission.
      (4)   Whenever possible streets shall be looped to provide more than one entrance and exit to the development. Intersections with existing rights-of-ways shall be maintained at a minimum necessary for proper traffic circulation.
      (5)   Street alignments should follow natural contours and be designed to conserve natural features. Stub streets should be eliminated unless such stub street is necessary based on an overall concept plan for the development of the adjacent property.
      (6)   Locations of streets should be planned to avoid excessive storm water runoff and the need for storm sewers.
      (7)   The area of the project devoted to streets and related pavement should be the minimum necessary to provide adequate and safe movement through the development.
   (i)   Pedestrian Circulation Systems.
      (1)   A pedestrian circulation system shall be included in the conservation development and shall be designed to ensure that pedestrians can walk safely and easily throughout the development. The pedestrian system shall provide connections between properties and activities or special features within the restricted open space system and need not always be located along streets.
      (2)   Trails for which public right of passage has been established should be incorporated in the pedestrian circulation system.
   (j)   Sewage Disposal. Development shall be served by individual or public sewage disposal structures consistent with the Summit County and/or Ohio EPA requirements. Individual sewage disposal systems shall comply with all applicable regulations of the Summit County Health District. If a common on-site system is to be used it shall not be located in the restricted open space.
   (k)   Architectural Design. Architectural treatments shall demonstrate a cohesive design concept which promotes compatibility among structures and reflects the character of the Village of Peninsula.
      (Ord. 21-2020. Passed 12-14-20.)