(A)   The town shall develop specific local limitations when the need arises to ensure compliance with the following:
      (1)   Safe and efficient operation and maintenance of the town's treatment works in its entirety;
      (2)   To ensure compliance with NPDES permits;
      (3)   To ensure compliance of all national pretreatment standards prohibited discharges.
   (B)   Where specific local limitations are developed, such limitations shall be deemed pretreatment standards for the purposes of Section 3 07(d) of the Act.
   (C)   Upon development of a specific local limitation(s), all existing users subject to such limitation(s) shall achieve full compliance of such within three years of the development of the limitations unless a shorter time is specified in the limitation. All new users shall comply with specific local limitations within 90 days of initiating a discharge.
   (D)   Specific local limitations shall not be developed and enforced without individual notice to persons or groups who have requested such notice in writing and an opportunity to respond.
   (E)   Specific local limits and compliance schedules shall be developed by the town and included in the user's discharge permit. The town is authorized to develop local limits pursuant to 40 CFR 403.5(c) and/or R61-9 403.5(c).
   (F)   The town may develop Best Management Practices (BMPs), by ordinance or in individual wastewater discharge permits, to implement local limits and the requirements of § 50.110.
(Ord. 11-01, passed 1-3-11; Am. Ord. 19-04, passed 5-6-19; Am. Ord. 22-07, passed 5-2-22; Am. Ord. 23-06, passed 4-4-23)