   31.01   Appointment; terms; removal; powers; duties
   31.02   Qualification for office
   31.03   Merger of offices
   31.04   Village Clerk
   31.05   Village Treasurer
   31.06   Village Attorney
   31.07   Overseer of Streets
   31.08   Chief of Police
   31.09   Fire Chief
   31.10   Water Commissioner/Public Works Commissioner
   31.11   Village Engineer; Special Engineer
   (A)   (1)   The Board of Trustees may appoint a Village Clerk, Treasurer, Attorney, Engineer, Overseer of the Streets and Chief of Police, and other such officers as shall be required by ordinance or otherwise required by law. Pursuant to division (A)(2) below, the Village Chief of Police or any other police officer may appeal to the Village Board his or her removal, demotion or suspension with or without pay. After a hearing, the Village Board of Trustees may uphold, reverse or modify the action.
      (2)   The Village Board of Trustees shall by ordinance adopt rules and regulations governing the removal, demotion or suspension with or without pay of any police officer, including the Chief of Police, in accordance with the requirements of Neb. RS 17-208. Nothing in this section shall be construed to prevent the preemptory suspension or immediate removal from duty of an officer by the appropriate authority, pending the hearing authorized by this section, in cases of gross misconduct, neglect of duty or disobedience of orders.
      (3)   Division (A)(2) above does not apply to a police officer during his or her probationary period.
   (B)   The Village Clerk, Treasurer, Attorney, Overseer of the Streets, members of the Board of Health and other appointed officers, except regular police officers, shall hold office for one year unless removed by the Chairperson of the Village Board with the advice and consent of the Trustees.
(Neb. RS 17-208)
   (C)   (1)   The village may enact ordinances or bylaws to regulate and prescribe the powers and duties of officers not provided for in state law.
(Neb. RS 17-604)
      (2)   If the Village Board of Trustees appoints any of the officials specified in this chapter or any other officials, the officials shall have the powers and duties, if any, provided in this chapter or as otherwise provided by village ordinances and state law.
   Each appointive officer who is required to give bond shall qualify by filing the required bond and oath as provided in §§ 33.25 and 33.26 of this code. Each appointive officer who is not required to give bond shall qualify by filing the required oath as provided in § 33.26 of this code.