The Fire Chief shall be elected by the members of the Fire Department. He or she shall enforce all laws and ordinances covering the prevention of fires, the storage and use of explosives and flammable substances, the installation of fire alarm systems, the maintenance of fire extinguishing equipment, the regulation of fire escapes and the inspection of all premises requiring adequate fire escapes.
(A) (1) As soon as a system of waterworks or mains, or portion or extension of any system of waterworks or water supply, has been established by the village, the Chairperson shall nominate and, by and with the advice and consent of the Board of Trustees, shall appoint any competent person, who shall be known as the Water Commissioner of the village and whose term of office shall be for one fiscal year or until his or her successor is appointed and qualified. Annually at the first regular meeting of the Board of Trustees in December, the Water Commissioner shall be appointed as provided in this section.
(2) The Water Commissioner may at any time, for sufficient cause, be removed by a two-thirds vote of the Board of Trustees. Any vacancy occurring in the office of Water Commissioner by death, resignation, removal from office or removal from the village may be filled in the manner provided in this section for the appointment of the Commissioner.
(3) The Water Commissioner shall, before he or she enters upon the discharge of his or her duties, execute a bond or provide evidence of equivalent insurance to the village in a sum to be fixed by the Board of Trustees, but not less than $5,000, conditioned upon the faithful discharge of his or her duties, and such bond shall be signed by two or more good and sufficient sureties, to be approved by the Board of Trustees or executed by a corporate surety.
(4) The Water Commissioner, subject to the supervision of the Board of Trustees, shall have the general management and control of the system of waterworks or mains, or portion or extension of any system of waterworks or water supply, in the village.
(5) In a village where no Board of Public Works exists, and the village has other public utilities than its waterworks system, the Board of Trustees shall by ordinance designate the Water Commissioner as Public Works Commissioner, with the authority to manage not only the system of waterworks but also other public utilities, and all of the provisions of this division (A) applying to the Water Commissioner shall apply to the Public Works Commissioner.
(Neb. RS 17-541)
(B) (1) The Water Commissioner shall collect all money received by the village on account of its system of waterworks and shall faithfully account for and pay over the same to the Village Treasurer, taking his or her receipt therefor in duplicate, filing one of the same with the Village Clerk.
(2) He or she shall make a detailed report to the Board of Trustees, at least once every six months, of the condition of the water system, and of all mains, pipes, hydrants, reservoirs and machinery, and of such improvements, repairs and extension thereof as he or she may think proper. The report shall show the amount of receipts and expenditures on account thereof for the preceding six months. No money shall be expended for improvements, repairs or extension of the waterworks system except upon recommendation of the Water Commissioner.
(3) The Water Commissioner shall perform such other duties as may be prescribed by ordinance.
(4) The Water Commissioner shall be paid such salary as the Board of Trustees may by ordinance provide, and upon his or her written recommendation, the Board shall employ such laborers and clerks as may to them seem necessary.
(5) If the village owns public utilities other than the waterworks system and the Water Commissioner has been designated by ordinance as the Public Works Commissioner under the authority of division (A) above, then all provisions of this division (B) in reference to a Water Commissioner shall apply to the Public Works Commissioner.
(Neb. RS 17-543)
(A) The Village Engineer shall, when requested by the Board of Trustees, make estimates of the cost of labor and material which may be done or furnished by contract with the village and make all surveys, estimates and calculations necessary to be made for the establishment of grades, the building of culverts, sewers, electric light systems, waterworks, power plants, public heating systems, bridges, curbing and gutters, the improvement of streets and the erection and repair of buildings, and shall perform such other duties as the Board may require.
(Neb. RS 17-568.01)
(B) The Village Engineer, when ordered to do so by the Village Board of Trustees, shall make surveys, estimates and calculations necessary to be made for the establishment and maintenance of public works by the village.
(Neb. RS 17-213.01)
(C) The Board of Trustees may employ a special engineer to make, or assist in making, any estimate necessary or to perform any other duty provided for in Neb. RS 17-568.01. Any work executed by such special engineer shall have the same validity and serve in all respects as though executed by the Village Engineer.
(Neb. RS 17-568)
(D) The Village Engineer shall make a record of the minutes of his or her surveys and of all work done for the village and, when directed by the Board of Trustees, shall accurately make such plats, sections, profiles and maps as may be necessary in the prosecution of any public work, which shall be public records and belong to the village and be turned over to his or her successor.
Statutory reference:
Duties related to areas to be annexed, see Neb. RS 18-3301
Duties related to sewerage systems, see Neb. RS 17-919