(A)   If the condition described in the notice given under § 94.32 has not been remedied within 20 days after the mailing or service of the notice, or in the event there is a hearing as provided for in this subchapter within five days after notice to the property owner of the unfavorable decision of the City Commission, the City Manager shall cause the condition to be remedied by the city at the expense of the owner of the property.
   (B)   After causing the condition to be remedied, the City Manager shall certify to the Director of Finance the expense incurred, together with his certificate as to the condition of the property which necessitated incurring the expense, and a copy of the notice mentioned above with proof of service thereof and a copy of the result of the hearing before the City Commission. Such expense shall thereupon be assessed against the lots or tracts as a special assessment and the procedure designated in F.S. § 170.10 for enforcing the special assessment shall be utilized.
(‘69 Code, § 9-35) (Ord. 166, passed 9-5-67)