A.   At the time the filing of an application for approval of the preliminary plat, the developer shall submit to the city the plans and data as required in chapter 16.12 of this title. The city shall have five (5) business days to review the application for completeness. If within five (5) business days the application is deemed complete, the preliminary plat application shall be submitted to the city engineer for review. If the application is not complete the developer will be informed in writing of the deficiencies.
   B.   The city engineer shall review said plans and data as submitted or modified and, within fifteen (15) business days, advise the developer in writing as to the general compliance or noncompliance with these regulations as well as other city codes, requirements or policies that may apply to the plans submitted. The city engineer's fees shall be paid by the developer.
   C.   At such time the plans and data are submitted for a preliminary plat, the city engineer and city clerk shall draft a public improvement agreement for city council and developer review. The agreement shall be a written commitment concerning the use or development of the subject parcel and outline the development improvements required. The required improvements shall comply with this chapter, city of Payette development standards and requirements of the state of Idaho. The city council and developer shall sign and comply with the agreement as a condition of plat approval. (Ord. 1508, 2022: Ord. 1219 § 1, 2002: Ord. 1185 § 1, 2000: prior code § 11-15-4(B))