A.   Upon approval by the Council and subsequent review and approval of the final construction plans by the City Engineer which substantially conform to the subdivision plans approved by the Council, the applicant may proceed with construction of the subdivision. No construction of any kind, other than removal or stripping of topsoil, shall take place on the side prior to those approvals.
   B.   After approval of the preliminary plan and before submission of a final subdivision plat, the City Engineer may, in writing, approve minor changes of the plan. If the amendment is major or involves a substantial change in the conditions of approval, the same procedures for a public hearing for subdivision plan approval must be followed to address the requested amendment. (Ord. 1482, 2020) streets and to government section lines, the size and location of all proposed streets and roads, all lots drawn to scale, the numbering of all lots and blocks, and the names, if available, of all streets. (Ord. 1219 § 1, 2002: prior code § 11-15-5(A,B))